Willie Martin
22752 Arapaho Rd.
Justin, Texas 76247
(940) 648-8030
Pastor Noah W. Hutchings
Southwest Radio Church Ministries
P.O. Box 100
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008-9901
Dear Pastor Hutchings:
Now I full well realize that this letter is really a small study on the subject which I have made and there is much more that I could include here, but I have to include this much to prove to you that I have spent a good part of 40 years studying the Jews and their religion.
And with this presentation you will, whether you admit it or not, know that I have done my home work. It is work that pastors such as yourself should have done but were simply too lazy and wrapped up in the false teachings that you received in the seminaries, which I like to call cemeteries because that is were so many brilliant minds are buried.
�WOE BE UNTO THE PASTORS THAT DESTROY AND SCATTER THE SHEEP OF MY PASTURE! saith the LORD. Therefore THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL AGAINST THE PASTORS THAT FEED MY PEOPLE; YE HAVE SCATTERED MY FLOCK, AND DRIVEN THEM AWAY, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.� (Jeremiah 23:1-2)
I guess that this a futile effort on my part to tell you the truth about the people that we call Jews today, because it seems that you folks know all the answers but all too many of them are wrong, and so it is with knowledge of the Jews by you Judeo-Christian Pastor.
�THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; WOE UNTO THE FOOLISH PROPHETS, THAT FOLLOW THEIR OWN SPIRIT, AND HAVE SEEN NOTHING! O Israel, THY PROPHETS ARE LIKE THE FOXES IN THE DESERTS. Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD. THEY HAVE SEEN VANITY AND LYING DIVINATION, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and THEY HAVE MADE OTHERS TO HOPE THAT THEY WOULD CONFIRM THE WORD. HAVE YE NOT SEEN A VAIN VISION, AND HAVE YE NOT SPOKEN A LYING DIVINATION, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken? Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore, behold, I AM AGAINST YOU, saith the Lord GOD. And MINE HAND SHALL BE UPON THE PROPHETS THAT SEE VANITY, AND THAT DIVINE LIES: THEY SHALL NOT BE IN THE ASSEMBLY OF MY PEOPLE, NEITHER SHALL THEY BE WRITTEN IN THE WRITING OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, NEITHER SHALL THEY ENTER INTO THE LAND OF ISRAEL; and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD.� (Ezekiel 13:3-9)
I say Judeo because you have bought into the Jewish teachings so much that you are more Jew today than Christian; Christ would be ashamed of what the clergy in America is teaching today and will no doubt tell them:
Matthew 7:21‑23
21: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Right about here I suspect that you will throw this letter into the trash but know you this that if you continue to read it you will not like it one bit. Because to my mind and from my study of the scriptures the Judeo-Christian clergy in America will hear this one day from our Savior and Redeemers lips:
Matthew 25:41‑46
42: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44: Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45: Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
You said in your �A Letter from the Pastor,� October 2003 �Send your $100 deposit to get on board now!� in reference to a trip to Israel. Why in the world would you want to go to Israel and mix with that bunch of murdering dogs; is a mystery to me.
According to the Standard Jewish Encyclopedias 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, Eastern Europe and Western Mongolia. These are the Asknazi Jews.
The other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic Jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hitites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some True Israelites. The JEWS HAVE NEVER BEEN ISRAELITES; THEY ARE NOT ISRAELITES NOW; AND THEY WILL NEVER BE ISRAELITES.
Christ said in John 8:44 that the scribes and Pharisees (the Sephardic Jews were the Children of the Devil). Do you believe Christ? It is very obvious that you do not.
John the Baptist called them vipers:
Matthew 3:7
7: But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O GENERATION (race) OF VIPERS, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? (Also see (Matthew 11:12; 12:39; 12:45; 23:15; 23:35; Luke 9:41; John 8:23; 8:47; 10:25-26; Acts 1:6; 2:40; 13:6-10; Romans 2:14; 4:15; 6:16; 7:7; 1 John 3:4; 3:10; Revelation 2:9; 3:9; 12:9; 20:2)
The famous Jewish Rabbi, Louis Finklestein, in the foreword to his book The Pharisees. The Social Background of Their Faith, said: �...Judaism...Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But Through all these changes in name...the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survived unaltered...From Palestine, to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from there to Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered...�(Demonstrating the enduring importance which is attached to Pharisaism as a religious movement. Ed.)
So you want people to go over there and support those murdering dogs that murdered our Savior and Redeemer? You should be ashamed of yourself for teaching such lies and falsehoods to children (I call them that because the people who listen and support you are but children and you teach them lies and falsehoods like the teachers are doing to our children in the government schools of America, called public schools) I know, if you have read this far know that I am right, but you have a famous ministry that you think you have to defend and wealth and material goods. But what is that to the eternal life Yahweh will give you for teaching the truth, instead of eternal damnation?
The Jews themselves in their writings say they are not Israelites:
Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: "STRICTLY SPEAKING IT IS INCORRECT TO CALL AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE A �JEW� OR TO CALL A CONTEMPORARY JEW AN ISRAELITE OR A HEBREW." (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
Dr. Oscar Levy states:
�And are not they (today�s Jews) the inventors of the Chosen People myth?� (Dr. Oscar Levy, preface, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, George Pitt Rivers (Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1920; p. vi)
On March 15th, 1923, the Jewish World asserted: "Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108)
Any fool knows that today's Christians are nothing but puppets of the Jews, who in turn spit in their servile faces. Lesser known; obscured by Jewish propaganda, is the fact that Christianity is INNATELY a Jewish‑created slave religion, and that Christianity was good for the Jews even in medieval Europe. Any pogroms against Jews happened IN SPITE of Christianity, not because of it.
Moreover, these were carried out by peasants in reaction to Jewish and Christian exploitation. The "anti‑Semitic" Church would often punish the PEASANTS while paying� restitution to the Jews! And the Church continues to "apologize" to this day for imaginary anti‑Semitic crimes, while the Jews continue to� laugh in their servile Christian faces. The Jew is our misfortune ‑Christians are his servants. An Aryan Renaissance of Paganism and Nazism will be the only solution to Jewish perfidy.
The so-called pogroms against the Jews was because the Christians found out that the Jews were killing their children, draining their blood, and then drying some of it to used in their pastries during their religious rituals. The rest was poured into a large glass bowl, wine was then mixed in with it and the guests at the religious rites were invited to drink it.
�Remember all that claptrap you heard about the Inquisition "persecuting" Jews? In fact, Jews were getting� rich from its persecution of innocent Gentiles!
Joachim Prinz writes:
"The Inquisition is considered one of the many traumatic experiences� of Jewish history, and as such, it is always spoken of with dread. But, of course, THE INQUISITION HAD NO POWER OVER JEWS AT ALL. It was established for the purpose of dealing with Christians who had deviated from their faith." (Prinz, Joachim. The Secret Jews, Random House, New York, 1973 p. 44)
Another Jew, M. Hirsh Goldberg gloats to his fellow Jews,
�"Contrary to popular belief, Jews who openly remained Jews were not tortured or killed as part of the inquisition proceedings. The Inquisition was specifically authorized by the Church to root out heresy among Catholics." (Goldberg, M. Hirsh. Just Because They're Jewish. If Anything Can Be Misconstrued about the Jews, It Will Be... And Has Been. Stein and Day, Publishers, New York, 1979, p. 16)
Korbonski tells us:
�"We [Jews] formed the ghetto ourselves," wrote the Zionist leader Vladamir Zabotinsky, " ... voluntarily, for the same reason for which Europeans in Shanghai established their separate quarter, to be able to live their own way." (Korbonski, Stefan. The Jews and the Poles in World War II. Hippocrene Books, New York 1989, p. 8)
J.O. Hertzler tells us:
�"The Ghetto was rather a privilege than a disability," notes J. O. Hertzler, "and sometimes was claimed by the Jews as a right when its demolition was threatened." (Hertzler, J. O. The Sociology of Antisemitism Through History. In� Graeber,� p. 73)
Boas Evron cites the work of fellow Israeli scholar, Yehezkel Kaufmann, in noting that
"the popular assumption that external anti‑Jewish pressures forced group identify and exclusivity on the Jews is unconvincing, since historical evidence shows that Jewish exclusivity and aloofness preceded outside hostility and were thus its cause, not its result...Jewish communities were always borne by host societies...They never shared in political, military, administrative, or technological responsibilities." (Evron, Boas. Jewish State or Israeli Nation? Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1995, p. 53)
Speaking about life in Medieval Poland, Jewish author Max Dimont writes:
"[Christian feudal life� was like] a vast prison. The bars were the all‑encompassing restrictions placed upon the daily life of the people. Inside the bars were the peasants, the so‑called Third Estate, who comprised about 95 per cent of the total population. Outside the bars but tied to them by invisible chains were the other two estates, the priests and the nobles. Neither inside the prison nor tied to the bars outside it were the Jews, the unofficial "Fourth Estate.
�"The restrictions placed on the feudal serfs, as the peasants were called, pursued them from �womb to tomb.� There could be no movement from one estate to another except through the ranks of the clergy, and then only for the exceptionally gifted child. Restrictions on travel kept the serf tied to the soil. He usually saw nothing of the world except that within walking distance. Though he was technically a free man,� he could own no property. He could be sold with the land by his lord...The peasant had to grind his flour in the lord's granary, bake his bread in the lord's bakery, all for a fee, paid either in goods or in labor. He could only own wooden dishes, and one spoon was all he was allowed for his entire family, no matter what its size. The kind of cloth he could buy, sell, or wear, was regulated. The lord was allowed to sample everything his serfs had, including their brides ...
�"None of these restrictions applied to the Jews. They were free to come and go, marry and divorce, sell and buy as they pleased...The priests were excluded from work, the nobles did not want to work, and the serfs were not allowed to enter the bourgeoisie or middle‑class professions. There was no one left to do this work except the Jews, who therefore became indispensable. The Jews were the oil that lubricated the creaky machinery of the feudal state." (Dimont, Max. Jews, God, and History. A Signet Book from New American Library, Times Mirror, 1962, p. 247)
Ewa Morawska notes that:
"At the end of the last century in Galicia [a province that is today divided between Poland and the Ukraine, including the city of Krakow], a region generally poorer than other provinces of Eastern Europe, about 50,000 peasants annually died of starvation; such catastrophes did not occur in Jewish society, even among the most deprived, partly because of the well‑organized in‑group assistance, but also because of a somewhat higher general standard of living." (Morawska, Ewa. Insecure Prosperity. Small Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890‑1940. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1996, p. 12)
Jewish scholar Bernard Weinryb tells us:
�"Jews in southeastern Poland were legally on par with the nobles with regard to the amounts paid as indemnification for being wounded or killed. If we go beyond formality and consider the prevailing practice the position of the Jew appears in a more favorable light. If he could not be nobleman, he could be like one, or in the place of one. Jewish lessees of the king's or nobles' villages and towns, or of various taxes and other sources of revenue, were accorded broad powers and status‑bearing functions, often over large expanses populated by many people, not all of them peasants. To these Jews were transformed almost Lord's power, mostly including the perquisites of local justice. A number of Jews actually did behave like nobles � conducting themselves haughtily, arrogantly, arbitrarily, dictatorially, and sometimes even recklessly...A number of� cases are known in which a non‑Jewish tax collector, or nobleman, or a court usher, was simply afraid to enter the houses of prominent Jews on business, not wanting to risk being thrown out or beaten up...Many...instances are known in which Polish Jewish communities or other groups refused to follow Polish court summonses or orders from other offices." (Weinryb, Bernard D. The Jews of Poland. A Social and Economic History of the Jewish Community in Poland from 1100 to 1800. Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1973, p. 162‑163)
On the role of Jews as tax collectors, Salo Baron writes:
"Most widespread was the Jewish contribution to tax farming. The medieval regimes, as a rule, aided by only small, inefficient, and unreliable bureaucracies, often preferred to delegate tax collection to private entrepreneurs who, for a specific lump sum they paid the treasury, were prepared to exact the payments due from the taxpayers. Of course, the risks of under collection were, as a rule, more than made up by considerable surpluses obtained, if need be, by ruthless methods." (Baron, Salo W.� [Economic History of the Jews. Edited by Gross, Nahum. Schocken Books, New York, 1976, p. 46)
"Wealthy Jews," notes Bernard Weinryb, "with good connections among those in power, and on one hand, underworld elements, believed in their own ability to take care of themselves, or to invoke the protection of the powerful. They frequently resorted to hard and brutal measures to achieve their ends... " (Weinryb, (see site above), p. 164)
"Jews," writes Witold Rymankowki, "in contrast to the millions of serfs and the impoverished townspeople who were oppressed by the nobility, constituted a privileged group which...effectively represented the only class in the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth to concentrate finance and liquid assets in its hands." (Polonsky, Antony, Ed. Polin: A Journal of Polish Jewish Studies. Blackwell Publishers for the Institute for Polish‑Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1991, p. 156)
An old Latin proverb proclaimed that the Polish Commonwealth was "heaven for the nobles, purgatory for the townsfolk, hell for the peasants, and paradise for the Jews." (Hagen, William W. Germans, Poles, and Jews. The Nationality Conflict in the Prussian East, 1772‑1914, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1980, p. 13)
�"Jews," notes Hillel Levine, "sometimes even managed whole villages and oversaw the economic development and exploitation of forests, mines, mints, custom houses, toll roads, and breweries on the gentry's estates, using serf labor...Jews were motivated...to squeeze profits out of the margins. These included more rigorous supervision of the serfs and more efficient collection of rents and taxes, adding to the harshness of the serfs' lives and by no means making the Jewish arendator [lessee of a business enterprise from the lords] beloved." (Levine, Hillel. To Shame a Vision. In Porter, p. 63)
�Heinrich Himmler Wake up, White Aryan.
�Die Juden sind unzer Ungluck: The Jews are our misfortune. Ignoring the overt Nazi aspect of the posting, it stimulates one into considering the effect that contemporary Christianity has on "civilization" in general. As to Western Civilization most of the churches are a main factor in cultural destruction. They are anti‑White and anti‑natural. They support the flooding of Western nations with bio/cultural aliens. The churches are truly Distorters of Culture.�
�Isn't the �Jewish� god the God of the Old Testament? Isn't this why we refer to the popular belief in Christ as the Judeo‑Christian religion?� Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser wrote in "Judaism and the Christian Predicament" (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967) p. 59: "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians ‑ that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression...Judaism is *not* the religion of the Bible."
Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, wrote:
"...you will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other...we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo‑ Christian religion...There is not any similarity between the two concepts." Rabbi Maggal (President, National Jewish Information Service) letter, 21 August 1961.
So what is the nature of the "Jewish" god? IT IS NOT THE GOD OF THE HEBREW BIBLE AS WE HAVE JUST SEEN BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION. They have no need of the concept of God as they have "killed off God" a long time ago as James Yaffe comments: "And so it seems we must agree with Rabbi Richard Israel, who writes in �Commentary's� symposium on Jewish belief, [The current discussion on] the Death of God will cause Jews to ask, 'So what else is new?' ...The Jewish funeral was a much more private affair. We buried him [YHWH‑God] quietly and in the middle of the night." (James Yaffe, "The American Jews" (New York: Random House, 1968) p. 161)
James Yaffe's statement was a comment to a statement made by Rabbi Sherwin Wine of the Birmingham Temple:
"...the whole concept of God is outdated; Judaism can function perfectly well without it."
"The god of the Jews had been secularized and has become the god of this world,' Marx wrote. 'Money is the jealous god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand.'" (David Horowitz, Human Events)
In the following quote we begin to understand this "Jewish" idea of their "god" a little better as it is applied more directly to today:
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
�In this �new world order� the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." (Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928)
Judeo-Christian Heritage is a Hoax: It appears there is no need to belabor the absurdity and fallacy of the "Judeo‑ Christian heritage" fiction, which certainly is clear to all honest theologians. That "Judeo‑Christian dialogue" in this context is also absurd was well stated in the author‑initiative religious journal, Judaism, Winter 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College when he wrote: "As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH-CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY."
Thanks;� this from Dr. Kelley:
�There are no good jews, dead or alive, that is genetically impossible.� As EVE said of their father, �he beguiled me.�� All jews are bad.� Some jews are very skilled beguilers (actors), some are unskilled beguilers (actors). Think Hollywood, we all are beguiled daily.� We are so ignorant we hover on the border of stupidity at all times.� We must not be beguiled (deceived) into thinking the very skilled beguilers (actors) are good jews, and the unskilled actors (beguilers) are the "bad jews."� The number one skill and trait of all jews is deception (beguiling.)� As Yahshua the Christ said by their action shall you know them. If you play with them, this becomes most clear and is followed by insolence and arrogance. The skilled beguilers are very skilled at hiding this by their ass‑kissing (as they say in the synagogue ‑ ass‑licking) they are very proud of this ability.�
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Who Are The Pharisees
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ And Are The �Jews� Israel?
The children of the promise are the literal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whereas the children of the flesh are children from other unions such as the descendants of Ishmael and Esau. It also dealt with the genealogies of Christ and the Pharisees and it was concluded that the Pharisees at the time of Christ, like Ishmael and Esau, while of the seed of Abraham, were not children of the promise.
If the Pharisees, who were also called Jews, WERE NOT CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE, who then is a Jew and who is an Israelite? We will save the subject of Israelites for another publication and just deal with Pharisees and Jews. However, this story begins with Abraham, who had eight children: Isaac from Sarah; Ishmael from the handmaiden Hagar; and six others from Keturah; not counting the daughters.
Of all these children only one child became the child of the promise and that was Isaac. Isaac only had two children: twin boys named Esau and Jacob. But again, only one child was the child of the promise and that was Jacob. Later God would change his name to Israel.
Jacob/Israel had twelve sons from two wives and two handmaidens and each of these sons, as descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, became children of the promise. (Genesis 38)
At this time we are only interested in one of those sons named Judah. Judah had five sons, two of whom God killed, but only two of the remaining three were children of the promise. Throughout Biblical history there have been numerous conflicts between the children of the flesh born in juxtaposition to children of the promise, and some are listed below:
Abel vs. Cain;
Shem vs. Ham (Canaan);
Isaac vs. Ishmael;
Israel vs. Moabites/Ammonites (Lot's children);
Jacob vs. Esau/Edomites;
Israel vs. Amalakites, and
Pharez and Zerah vs. Shelahites.
These conflicts between the children of the Promise and the children of the Flesh are later described in Scripture as being conflicts between the good seed and the tares. Scripture records a strange story in the events surrounding the births of each of these children.
Without getting into a lengthy discussion, Cain and Abel were born subsequent to the fall and of course Cain slew Abel; Canaanites were cursed because Ham uncovered the nakedness of his father, yet Noah cursed Canaan - not Ham; Moabites/Ammonites due to an incestuous relationship between Lot and his two daughters; Esau is recorded as fighting with his twin brother Jacob in the womb of his mother; Amalakites {of Esau} from the relationship between a concubine and Esau's son born of Esau's Hittite wife; and Shelah born of a Canaanite wife of Judah.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ The First Jews
First let us make it abundantly clear that there were no Jews prior to the 1700s, for the letter �J� had not been invented prior to that time. �J: This letter has been added to the English Alphabet in modern days; the letter I being written formerly in words where J is now used. It seems to have had the sound of y, in many words, as it still has in the German. The English sound of this letter may be expressed by dsh, or edth. A compound sound coinciding exactly with of g, in genius; the French j, with the articulation d preceding it. It is the tenth letter of the English Alphabet. (Noah Webster�s First Edition of an American Dictionary of the English Language 1828 Edition)
Genesis 5:2‑3: �Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.� Please note that neither Cain nor Able is mentioned in Adam�s line. Therefore, we can conclude from this that neither Cain nor Able were Adam�s children. For if they had God certainly would have instructed that they be noted as such.
Neither is there any mention of Cain and Abel in the Chronology of Adam listed in 1st Chronicles: �Adam, Sheth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.� (1 Chronicles 1:1‑4) By this we know that none of the offspring of Cain were the seed of Adam, and were the seed of the Devil, just as Christ told us in John 8:44.
The very first people, that of the descendants of Adam, Seth, Abraham, Isaac (Whom we, the White Race is named after as instructed by Jacob/Israel in the 48th chapter of Genesis).� �The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.� (Genesis 48:16) This has been fulfilled, in that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people of the earth have been called �Anglo-Saxons� after the name of Isaac. And they have, have also, been called after Jacob/Israel because they have been called Israelites. These same people have always occupied the center of the earth, for they can be found to have created nations and civilizations just north and south of the equator.
However, we must mention here that Esau as the brother to Jacob; so he was never an Israelite; but his seed would have been of mixed blood, because of his marriage to the Hittite women: �And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite.� (Genesis 26:34) Then we are told in Genesis 28:8‑9: �And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father; Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife.� Thus we can see clearly that neither Esau nor any of his descendants were Israelites. But all of his children from that time on could be classified as Jews. Also, his descendants could be called brothers to the Arabs, because he married one of Ishmael�s daughters.
The first time that a mixed multitude is mentioned in the Bible is in Exodus 12:37‑38: �And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.� Then the mixed multitude is mentioned again in Nehemiah: �Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.� (Nehemiah 13:3)
The Jewish Encyclopedia, states: "EDOM IS IN MODERN JEWRY.� (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41) Which is a true statement, based on the above information that we have seen in the Scriptures.
There was another group of mixed breeds which came back from the Babylonian captivity with some of the True Israelites which returned to build the Temple. During this time the priests found that many of the Israelites had married into the other races, and had strange wives (meaning they were not Israelites) and were told to separate themselves from them: �Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.� (Nehemiah 13:3)
The World Book omits any reference to the Jews, but under the word Semite it states: "Semite...Semites are those who speak Semitic languages. In this sense the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians were Semites. The Arabs and some Ethiopians are modern Semitic‑speaking people. Modern Jews are often called Semites, but this name properly applies ONLY TO THOSE WHO USE THE HEBREW LANGUAGE. The Jews were once a sub‑type of the Mediterranean race, BUT THEY HAVE MIXED WITH OTHER PEOPLES UNTIL THE NAME �JEW� HAS LOST ALL RACIAL MEANING."
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� The Reuben Connection
Before we go any further we must recognized that Reuben the firstborn of Jacob/Israel also married a Canaanite wife, as did Judah and had 4 sons by her. Although I do not have them and their descendants listed here as such, because this information came to me just a few days ago.
�And it was at that time in that year, which is the year of Joseph's going down to Egypt after his brothers had sold him, that REUBEN THE SON OF JACOB went to Timnah AND TOOK UNTO HIM FOR A WIFE ELIURAM, THE DAUGHTER OF AVI THE CANAANITE, and he came to her.� (Jasher 45:1)
The Shelah Connection
To understand that the Pharisees at the time of Christ and those of Jewry in the 20th century are at least partial descendants of the children of the flesh, we must go back and begin with Judah, Jacob's 4th son of Leah and his descendants. The story of Judah's marriage and descendants is recorded in Genesis, Chapter 38.
���� Genesis, Chapter 37 ends with Joseph being sold into Egypt and the story of Joseph starts again in Chapter 39. It is both interesting and strange that Chapter 38 should be placed at this particular place in the Scriptures about a subject totally unrelated to the former and latter chapters.
���� We are told in verse 1 that Judah "went down from his brethren." This appears to have been an act of poor judgement such as later Dinah exhibited and was raped due to her poor judgement. We are not told the reason for Judah's poor judgement but it begins the history of conflict between Judah and his brothers which will continue till the later separation of the nation into the House of Israel and the House of Judah.
���� Judah, being separated from his family ties, could and did fall prey to the women in the land who were not his kinsmen according to the flesh. We are told that Judah:
"...saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her." (Genesis 38:2)
This connection was contrary to the will of God and Judah should have known better from his upbringing if not the example of his fathers. His indiscretion or poor judgement in forming an alliance with the people in the land was a crime that produced bastard children. If this bastardization of Israel was to continue the chosen people would soon be assimilated into surrounding heathenism and would no longer be God's chosen people.
Thus we see the necessity for God to separate His people from these heathen peoples. In any event Judah took a Canaanite for a wife and had three bastard sons {sons born from mixed seed}: Er, Onan, and Shelah. We say bastard sons because in the Old Testament a bastard was a child born from a mixed marriage with an Israelite and another race. (See Strong's Concordance) When the time came that Er, Judah's eldest son, was to have a wife, Judah obtained for him a woman named Tamar.
We are not told how or why, but Er was "wicked in the sight of the Lord" (Genesis 38:7) and the Lord slew him. We are not told what this wickedness was but the word used here also means evil and mischief and these definitions lead many to believe this evil had something to do with the law. Being raised by his Canaanite mother, he would have become indoctrinated in the ways of the pagan Canaanites - not the ways of the Lord.
According to the law, Onan, Er's younger brother, had to marry Tamar and raise up seed to his elder brother, Er. However, Onan was wicked also, and refused to do this, spilling his seed on the ground. (Genesis 38:9) This was probably because of the threat of losing the inheritance {that is, he would be raising up seed for his brother}, again, possibly from the training he received from his Canaanite mother.
In any event, God also slew Onan. Once again, according to the law Tamar should have been given to the third son, Shelah, that he might raise up sons for his elder brother. However, by this time Judah must have been just a little bit concerned. After all, Tamar had already been the wife of two of his sons and both had been killed by the Lord. Thus it is easy to understand his reluctance. Scripture tells us that Judah told Tamar to wait until Shelah was older; however, when he got older Judah failed or refused to give Tamar to Shelah. Tamar waited and waited but Shelah eventually took another for a wife, apparently with his father's blessing.
It is recorded in the 45th chapter of the book of Jasher that Tamar was a daughter from the genealogy of Elam, the son of Shem. That she was a daughter of Shem makes sense in view of what Judah said when he found out she was pregnant with child. Scripture records that it was reported to Judah that: "Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt."� (Genesis 38:7)
Stoning was the normal mode of capital punishment at that time in history - death by fire was not the normal procedure used to execute someone. Therefore it is significant that Judah pronounced death by burning for that was reserved for priests' daughters who brought disgrace upon the sacred office. The law states: "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9) Since Judah pronounced death by fire we are able to conclude that she must have been the daughter of a priest. However, one would think that if she was, she should be aware of the law prohibiting mixed marriages. But perhaps that was not the case.
Tamar could have been imported from another geographical area as was Rebecca for Isaac. Thus at the time of her arrival and marriage to Er and Onan she could have been unaware of the covenant God had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. Not being aware of the covenant she would not know that the two men she married were half Canaanite and half Israelite and not legitimate heirs to the promise.
By the time Shelah had taken another wife, Tamar was probably educated in the covenant relationship with God and realized that even if she was given to Shelah, any sons from that union would not produce a bloodline heir. This is about the only logical reason for her to play the harlot, entrapping Judah to become the father of her children (Pharez and Zerah) at the risk of being put to fiery death. It would also partially explain Judah's response when he found out that he was the father and stated:
"She is more righteous than I; forasmuch as I gave her not to Shelah my son." (Genesis 38:26)
Although Judah may not have totally understood or admitted that his marriage to a Canaanite was in violation of the law, he is, at least, acknowledging that Tamar should have been the mother of children of the birthright. He must have understood this birthright problem sooner or later, as the scepter was not passed to Shelah, Judah's third and only surviving son from Shuah, but to Judah's firstborn son from Tamar who was named Pharez. This is evidenced by the fact that Pharez's name appears in the genealogies of Christ in Matthew 1:3 and Luke 3:23.
The union of Judah with Tamar produced the twin births of Pharez and Zerah, and once again Judah had three sons: 1). Shelah, who was a bastard {� Canaanite & � of Judah} by his Canaanite wife; 2). Pharez; and 3). Zerah, the latter two both from Tamar. Pharez and Zerah being the sons of Judah, the son of Jacob/Israel, and Tamar the daughter of the genealogy of Shem, were full-blooded Israelites even though they were born out of wedlock.
The whole story is recorded in Genesis 38. These births produced three descendant lines from Judah which we will call Pharez-Judah, Zerah-Judah, and Shelah-Judah. The question now becomes, what happened to the three descendants of Judah: Pharez, Zerah and Shelah? It will simply be stated at this point in the study that Pharez and Zerah were children of the promise whereas Shelah was a child of the flesh and destined to become the father of the Pharisees. This study will not be concerned with Pharez and Zerah - only the family of Shelah will be addressed.
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We need to keep in mind the fact that a strict genealogy was kept on each tribe. Even though Shelah was a bastard son of Judah, his genealogy is given in Scripture and his descendants can be traced to the city of Elath. In Chronicles it is recorded:
"The sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah: which three were born unto him of the daughter of Shua the Canaanite.� And Er, the firstborn of Judah, was evil in the sight of the LORD; and he slew him. And Tamar his daughter in law bare him Pharez and Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five. The sons of Pharez; Hezron, and Hamul. And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all. And the sons of Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed. And the sons of Ethan; Azariah." (1 Chronicles)
Verse 3 is unusual, as once a name is dropped from the promised seed line it usually does not appear in later genealogies. For example the descendants of Cain do not appear in the genealogies of Adam in Genesis, Chapter 5, or Matthew 1 or Luke 3. It is difficult to determine exactly when the Book of Chronicles was written, however verse 1 of chapter 9 states:
"So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and, behold, they were written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, who were carried away to Babylon for their transgression." (1 Chronicles 9:1)
Since the first 8 chapters deal with the genealogies of Adam to this statement in verse 1 of chapter 9, which refers to the Babylonian captivity, it seems apparent that this portion of Chronicles was not recorded until sometime after the Babylonian captivity (600 B.C.) - perhaps by Ezra or Nehemiah.
Again, all of Judah's sons must be important or they would not be recorded in Scripture, especially since the descendants of Shelah were not children of the promise. It should be noted that verses 5 and 6 list the descendants of Pharez and Zerah, and verse 8 begins with Ethan, a son of Zerah.
What is missing here are the sons of Shelah. But verse 7 seems to be completely out of place as it lists the genealogy of a person named "Carmi."
Carmi is not one of the five sons of Judah, nor is he listed in the Genealogies of Pharez or Zerah. The name also appears in 1 Chronicles 4:1, but it is still unclear whose son he was. However, it is most interesting that his son "Achar" is referred to as "the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed." (You can read the story about the thing accursed in Joshua 6:18) While it appears impossible to prove it, it is suggested that "Carmi" and his son "Achar," the troubler of Israel, were in the genealogy of Shelah.
We mentioned that these names were also listed in Chronicles, chapter 4, as follows:
"The sons of Shelah the son of Judah were, Er the father of Lecah, and laadah the father of Maresbah, and the families of the house of them that wrought fine linen, of the house of Ashbea, And Jokim, and the men of Chozeba, and Joash, and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab, and Jashubilehem. And these are ancient things. These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and hedges; thee they dwell with the king for his work." (1 Chronicles 4:21-23)
Again there is no mention of "Carmi" nor his son "Achar," but her we do have a reference to these descendants of Shelah being "men of Chozeba." Chozeba was a town in southwestern Judah and is also the town of Chezib of Gen. 38:5 and Achzib of Joshua 15:44. The words Chezib, Achzib or Chozeba mean "lying," "deceptive," "disappointing," or "failing." It is also interesting that Shelah-Judah was born in Chezib (Genesis 38:5) and it appears that his descendants centuries later inherited this same city.
In Joshua we find that:
"This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah by their families; even to the border of Edom the wilderness of Zin southward was the utter most part of the south coast. And Keilab, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages." (Joshua 15: 1, 44)
Thus we see that the town of "Achzib" was given to some descendants of Judah. Achzib or Chozeba was located in the valley of Elath. ELATH WAS IN OLD EDOM in the valley of Elath and north of Adullum. The word "Adullum" should ring a bell as that was the place where Judah went down from his brothers and took a Canaanite for a wife. This was on the extreme southern border of the Southern Kingdom of Judah at the northern end of the Gulf of Aquabah.
In fact most scholars seem to be in agreement that this area was actually outside the land inherited by Judah. This would make some sense as we know that a bastard could not even enter the congregation, even unto the tenth generation; (Deuteronomy 23:2) therefore it would also make sense that these Shelahites, being bastards, could not inherit land belonging to the children of the promise.
But this does not mean that they could not be given land on the southern border of Judah. The city of Elath was next to Ezion-geber, which would later become Solomon's seaport. Remember now that these Shelahites are � Canaanite, and the word Canaanite is defined in Strong's Concordance as merchants and traders. Doesn't it seem logical that merchants and traders would congregate in the cities, and especially in and around a busy seaport where they could engage in trade, commerce, and industry?
There is another reference to this city named "Achzib" in the Book of Micah where it states: "The house of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel." (Micah 1:14)
Is it just a coincidence that Shelah was born at "Chezib" which is basically the same word as Achzib? Is it coincidence that the word "Achzib so closely resembles and has the same meaning as "Achar," the troubler of Israel? Remember these words mean "lying," "deceptive," "disappointing," or "falling." Was it not a lie that Shelah was a true child of the promise? Would not their existence next to and/or as a part of Israel make any claim they would make as being a descendant of Abraham, (John 8) entitled to receive the promises, a lie or at the least a clever deception?
Jews From Elath
Elath or Eloth was a part of the land of Edom belonging to the descendants of Esau who were called Edomites an later Idumeans. Apparently Elath and Ezion-geber came under the control of Israel in 1040 B.C. by David's conquest of Edom as recorded in 2 Samuel 8:13-14. This land is also mentioned as being under the rule of Solomon in approximately 1000 B.C.(1 Kings 9:26; 2 Chronicles 8:17) The land passed back into Edomite control in 890 B.C. during the days of Jehoarm, king of Judah. (2 Kings 8:20-22) 80 years later in 810 B.C., the city of Elath was rebuilt� under the kingship of Azariah or Uszziah.(2 Kings 14:21-22 and 2 Chr. 26:1-2)
This historical background brings us to the time of the "Jews from Elath" as recorded in 2 Kings, Chapter 16, which states: "In the seventeenth year of Pekah the son of Remaliah Ahaz the son of Jotham king of Judah began to reign. Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war; and they besieged Ahaz, but could over come him. At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath..." (2 Kings 16:1, 5-6)
Keep in mind that the time frame is approximately 750 B.C., which is around 200 years after the split of Israel into the Houses of Judah and Israel in 975 B.C., and just before the beginning of the Assyrian captivity in 721-745 B.C. By this time Jotham was the king of Judah {the two southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin}, and Pekah was the king of Israel {the 10 northern tribes}.It is the king of Syria, and Pekah, the king of Israel {not Judah}, who formed an alliance and went to war against the House of Judah. During that war they were unable to take Jerusalem, but Rezin, king of Syria, was able to recover the city of Elath and "drave the Jews from Elath."
As previously stated, Elath was far south of the area inherited by Judah and was given to Shelah as an inheritance. Again this was probably done because as a bastard, he could not enter the congregation of Israel nor inherit with the children of Israel. Remember, these people were part Canaanite, and in Strong's Concordance the word "Canaanite" means merchants and traders. Merchants cannot be merchants except in populated areas and therefore would have a propensity to migrate towards the cities, so it is logical to conclude that they were the ones who resided in Elath and were driven there-from.
It was from this area called Elath, and this area alone, that Rezin "drave the Jews." Ahaz, king of Judah {Southern Kingdom}, was still in Jerusalem and was never defeated nor was he driven anywhere. Pekah, king of Israel {Northern Kingdom}, apparently returned home.
Therefore, whatever "Jews" were driven from Elath were only a small portion of people located South of Judah - not all of the House of Judah, and none of the House of Israel. Therefore, the word "Jews," as used in this verse does not include any people from the House of Israel and probably none from the House of Judah. This limits the use of the word "Jew" in the Old Testament to a very small group of people who resided in the town of Elath, who were most likely descendants of Shelah.
Scripture does not tell us where these so-called "Jews from Elath" went after being driven from Elath, but being traders and merchants they would be city dwellers, and it is probably safe to assume that they moved north to the walled city of Jerusalem. After Rezin "drave the Jews" from Elath the area was again populated but this time by Edomites.
The word "Jews" is used for the first time in Scripture in the King James Authorized (KJA) version in this verse. If you own a 1592 copy of the Geneva Bible, or a 1611 King James version and will open it to this verse you will not find the word "Jew."
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia:
"Up to the seventeenth century this word was spelled in the Middle English in various ways:...Ieue, Ieu, Iwe, Iewe, Iue... corresponding to the Hebrew...a gentile adjective from the proper name 'Judah' seemingly never a;;lied to member of the tribe {of Judah}, however, but to members of the nationality inhabiting the South of Palestine. It appears to have been afterward extended to apply to Israelites in the North..." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VII, p. 174)
If you will once again look at 2 Kings 16:6 in an original 1611 KJA version, you will find one of these words - You will not find the word "Jews."� And probably more interesting in this quote is the fact that the word "Ieue,' etc., was never applied to the tribe of Judah but to a nationality "inhabiting the South of Palestine." The encyclopedia fails to point out who these people were but it has previously been shown that the land South of Judah was occupied by the Shelah branch of Judah - a bastard son from his Canaanite wife.
According to Biblical scholar Alexander Schiffner:
"The first reference to any Jews in Scripture is found in 2 Kings 16:6. The name was applied TO A REMNANT OF JUDAH�S DESCENDANTS OF THE SHELAH BRANCH. Shelah-Judah was born in Chezib (Genesis 38:5) and his descendants centuries later inherited his territory. (Joshua 15:1, 13, 44) REMEMBER A STRICT GENEALOGY WAS KEPT OF EACH TRIBE AND BRANCH. (2 Kings 16:5-7; 1 Chr. 2:1-15; Ezra 2:59, 62, 64; Matthew 1:1-25; Luke 3:23-38)
�Chezib, (Genesis 38:5)� Achzib (Joshua 15:44) and Chozeba (1 Chronicles 4:21-22) refer to one and the same place. it was a town in the lowlands of western Judah and was given to the Shelah branch of Judah for their inheritance. (Joshua 15:1, 13, 44) This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah BY THEIR FAMILIES.' The word Chezib, Achzh or Chozeba means 'deceptive' or 'failing' and the place received its name from a winter spring or brook, which failed in the summer heat. {Symbolic of the failing of the Shela branch of Judah under trial}. It was the place where Judah was at the time of the birth of his half-breed son, Shelah. (Genesis 38:5)
�In 1 Chronicles 4:21-22 it is called 'Chozeba.' it is in the valley of Elath and north of Addulum. Note 2 Kings 16:6 - the first reference to this branch of Judah; 'the Jews of Elath.' The Jews are the remnant' of 'Yehudim' of Judah. This branch of Judah rejected Christ. They are the open witness, 'The shew of their countenance doth witness against them - their tongue and their doings are against the Lord - they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not.' (Isaiah 3:8-9)." (From the Five Sons of Judah, written by Alexander Schiffner, editor, Prophetic Herald, Spokane, WA)
James Fox, the author of several books, wrote of Shelah: "The reason for the divergence of facial appearance between the true Hebrew or Abrahamic White-Race Men, and the Jews, is that the patriarch Judah disobeyed God's will at the outset by marrying a Canaanitish woman called 'Shua' (Genesis 38:1-5), producing descendants all half-castes, later known as 'Jews.' (The Glorious Majesty of His Kingdom, J.S. Fox, 1 st ed., 1958, p. 10)
According to these authors, the "Jews of Elath" were the 'remnant' of 'Yehudim' of Judah, and verses 5 and 6 of 2 Kings, chapter 16, are the first reference to the mongrel Canaanite branch of Judah where they are referred to as "Jews." (Actually "Ieue," etc., in the 1611 KJA Version) The use of the word "Jews" in 2 Kings 16:6 rather than "Ieues" has added to the misconception that the Jews are all of Israel, when it is obvious that in this verse only a small group of people were implied - those living in Elath - which omits the entire northern ten tribes and the majority of the House of Judah.
The major problem with the Jew in Any-town USA's conversations is that the word carries so many definitions and so few seem very want to know fully what he is really talking about or referring to when he uses the term "Jew."
Most so-called (c)hristians of today, even those who are of Israelite stock, and are not aware of it, don't want to hear the words, concepts and truth contained in this study. Those of Israelite heritage may find some fulfillment in Jeremiah's words, found in Chapter 5:30-31 which sound all too familiar: "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so; and what will ye do in the end thereof?"
Some think that the King James Version is the only correct version. This version was written in 1611, but it for sure contains some errors. Look at John 4:22, where Christ tells the woman of Samari:
"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship; for salvation is of the Jews."
This is a primary script for the problem we face today, for any discerning true Christian Israelite should see this is not a true statement, but rather a false one based on its own merits.
The Ferrar Fenton version, which comes from the original Greek text, says: "the salvation comes from among the Judeans." Now which way should we Israelites come to know fully the truth of this verse? If Christ came out of the region of Judea and the Hebrew tribe of Judah, then He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) Paul planted the first Christian Church in Corinth, teaching that Christ is the Salvation for HIS people. But we hear the resounding common statement, but Pontius Pilate said that He was "King of the Jews." But did he really say that as most, deceived, Judeo-Christians believe?
������������������������������������������������������������������������ Pilate Relates About His Encounter With Christ
There are some who say, "Thank God! My Savior Was Not A Jew!," that there is a historical record found in the Achoko Volume in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C., containing an official record of one of Pilate's correspondences.
He states on pages 137-139:
"The Archoko record gives an eye-witness account from Pontius Pilate, who testified that Jesus did not look like, or act like a Jew. Here is the account as it appears in this official record: To Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome Noble Sovereign, Greetings: '...Among various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that came to my attention. A young man it was said, had appeared in Galilee, preaching with noble unction a new law in the name of the God who sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled.
�Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus.
�This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those who listened to him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance an almost celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between he and his hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!...
�Never have I heard in the words of the philosopher, anything that can compare with the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, so numerous in Jerusalem, asked Jesus if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied: 'Render unto Caesar the things which belong to Caesar, and unto God the things which are God's...
�I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with him at the praetorium and he came."� (Think now for a moment on your own, without having some Judeo-Christian preacher tell you that this is fantasy. What would be so strange in this? Even though this meeting is not recorded in the Gospels, we know that most of what Christ did during His three years of public ministry was never recorded.� (See John 21:25)
Pilate's report to Caesar continues:
�You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood...When the Nazarene made his appearance, I was walking in my basilic, and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement, and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Nazarene was as calm as innocence itself. When he came up to me and stopped, and by a signal sign seemed to say to me, 'I am here!' though he spoke not a word. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe, this extraordinary type of man, a type unknown to our numerous painter...There was nothing about him that was repelling in its character and I felt awed and tremulous to approach him.
�Jesus, I said to him at last, 'Jesus of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech (It is not recorded anywhere, either in the Gospels, or Roman historical records, that the Romans ever attempted to suppress Christ's ministry) nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourse a majestic simplicity that elevates you above those philosophers...'your blood shall not be spilled,' I said, with deep emotion, 'you are more precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom than all the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedoms granted them by Rome. They conspire against Caesar, and convert his bounty into fear, impressing on the unlearned, that Caesar is a tyrant who seeks their ruin...I will protect you against them. My praetorium shall be an asylum both day and night.' I am our obedient servant, Pontius Pilate."
You can accept this letter, as we do, since it makes sense, or dismiss it as most of your Judeo-Christian preachers and church Bible scholars will do. But, think for yourself! Doesn't it make sense to you that the Jews would try and suppress this truth?
There is one point in the aforementioned passage of Acts 18 that most folks seem to over look. Paul came to Corinth and planted the first Christian Church with the True Israelite inhabitants who apparently were worshiping Judaism out of ignorance. With little success at first, but a s a rational, as well as spiritual preacher, Paul reasoned with all Jews (Both non-Israel and True Israel) not with force or violence but by fair arguing he won some over to his own opinion.
In verses 9 and 10, Paul had a vision. Each of us ought to know fully this vision and effectively grasp its meaning in our lives, today, as White Israelites. We read in the King James Version: "Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city."
We should renew our own commission "be not afraid of the Jews."� That means be not afraid of the magistrates of the city, county, state or federal for they have no power against you but what is given them from above. We are pleading, like Paul, the cause of heaven and we need to do it boldly. We should not be afraid of their words, nor dismayed at their quirky looks and fraudulent judgments. At the right times we should speak, and not hold back.
We should let no opportunity slip by without speaking in defense of Christianity and in opposition to the Jews and their hideous Judaism. We should not speak shyly or with caution, but up front, plainly and fully and with courage. We need to speak out in the liberty of the Spirit that becomes an ambassador for Christ.
Paul did speak up and the "Jews" rose up against him, but the Lord went to court with him and threw out his accusers by the hand of a person in high position.
In this city that "Jews flocked to" you must remember that Corinth was a very profane and wicked city, full of impurity of all kinds and idols of all kinds. Yet in this great evil heap, with all its contempt for White Christian Israelites, i.e., the wheat, it sure seemed to human knowledge that the chaff would over come, but in this ore that seems to be all dross, there is gold. Even in Corinth, Christ had much people. So we need to unseat this "fear of the Jews syndrome" and expose their evil, wicked plot to destroy all Christianity. This needs to be done today, before time runs out. Have you come "to know fully" the truth about Judaism and Christianity?
In verses 12-17 of Acts, Chapter 18, we find another of Paul's many trying times with the Jews {worshipers of Judaism - Traditions of the Elders}. Paul is accused by member of this Jewish sect before the Roman Governor, Gallio. Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, that is he was the proconsul for this province of the Roman Empire. In modern words this Jewish sect filed a frivolous complaint in a Roman court against Paul and Gallio was to be the presiding judge.
Paul was rudely apprehended with violence and fury in broad day light. These Jews cared little for public peace and justice, so they made insurrection. To me this means that they used disturbance of the public peace and force, i.e., vi et armis, to apprehend Paul. They had little concern for his welfare or the safety of others. They, as they do today, already had pronounced Paul guilty in the media of their day. Just as they had at the trials of Christ. These enforcers hurried Paul off, probably in chains, to the judgment seat before Gallio. Paul was allowed no time, whatsoever, to prepare for his trial. Sounds like a familiar patriot scenario of arrest today, does it not?
Paul, much like Christ, is falsely accused before Gallio (v. 13). What was the formal charge? "This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law." My what a crime! Paul must have been "anti-Semitic." These Jews could not charge him with persuading men not to worship God at all or to worship other Gods. (See Deuteronomy 13:2) So the only trumped up charge they could accuse him of breaking was "that he was attempting to persuade men to worship God in a way contrary to the law."
Now what in the world would you consider as being "contrary to the law." Does this sound a familiar alarm today? Sure it does! If you act "contrary" to the "law" of Title 26, your state motor vehicle "laws," or your property appraisal and collection "laws," see how fast you will be jerked up before some judgment seat and be made to pay for your "crimes."
The Romans allowed the Jews in all their provinces the observation of their own law. But, remember in verse 2, it is recorded, that Jews had been commanded to leave Rome. I wonder why? Did they have a Jewish problem in the society of that day?
But who would enforce Jewish law in such a city of idols and corruption? Should all persons therefore be prosecuted as criminals, who worship God in any other way than that prescribed by the tenets of Judaism? The big question before Gallio is, "Does Roman toleration include a power of imposition?" Could Roman law force Paul or anyone to stop practicing any activity contrary to what the "Jews" call their law?
YOU MUST KNOW AND REMEMBER THAT THE JEWISH RELIGION HATES CHRIST AND ALL NON-JEWS, i.e., White People. This is why the Jews of Corinth were so uptight against Paul for he was preaching Salvation through the Blood of Christ. This tenet of Israelite Christianity is unacceptable then and today for the Jews of this Pharisaism, i.e., Judaism.
How the so-called (c)hristian of today can use the term Judeo-Christian is a gigantic mystery to many. When will the little "c" Christians come "to know fully" that these are two diametrically opposites. Just like black against white, not verses cold and light verses dark? Paul was charged unjustly. Are White Israelite patriots ever charged unjustly, for violating some phantom law? Do they have ample opportunity to be tried in courts of certified common law venue where justice, fairness and real law prevails? Rarely, if ever, not since about 1861 have justice been had in such courts.
Paul had a different circumstance at this hearing than most patriots are usually afforded today. Gallio had a sweet nature and was sympathetic and apparently a stickler for the letter of the law. For Gallio reasoned that the Jews in their own law, had in it a promise of a Prophet whom God would raise up to them, and they should listen to him and/or hear him.
And Paul only persuaded people to believe in this Prophet, who was to come and to hear Him, which was all according "to the law." For this Prophet came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. Paul's teaching contradicted Judaism, partially the idea of Christ being the Messiah.
At the first hearing or, perhaps, a better way to put it, is no hearing at all, for Gallio dismisses the cause and states that he will not take any cognizance of the issue, at all (v. 14-15). Paul was just about to make his defense which he apparently became so eloquently accustomed to doing. (See Acts 24-26) Paul was about to present evidence that would prove that he did not teach men to worship contrary to the law, when Gallio rules that he will not be troubled with this case and will not pass sentence upon it nor even allow himself the trouble of examining it.
He, Gallio, was very capable of doing the part of a judge in any matter properly placed before him to take cognizance of. He said to the Jews, that were the prosecutors, "If it were a matter of wrong, or wicked lewdness," if you could charge the prisoner with theft or fraud, with murder or plunder or any act of immorality.
We would be bound to hear you with your complaint or accusations. Just because these Jews were loud and noisy and rude petitioners of this court, there was no valid reason to give them a hearing in any obvious unjust case. If the petitioner's cause had been just then it would have been the duty of Gallio or any magistrate to cause justice to be done. That means redress the injured party to be afforded his right(s).
Then Gallio would pass comment and give the court's sentence upon the party causing the injury. If the complaint had merits even though not made with all the decorum of a judicial case, Gallio would have felt bound to hear the petitioner, no matter how rude and noisy they were in presenting it. But Gallio will not and did not allow these Jews a chance to make a complaint to him for something not within his jurisdiction (v. 15). Oh, if we had a few judges and magistrates today of the caliber to determine rightful venue and jurisdiction. This Jude would not allow the Jews to burden his patience by hearing it nor would he burden his conscience with passing judgment upon this matter. And when the Jews hollered and screamed more and more, he found them in contempt of "his" court and drove them from the seat of judgment (v. 16). Then he called the next cause. Bravo, Bravo!!!
This passage makes one think that Gallio conducted himself in a dignified and honorable mode. If only we had judges today who possessed this character. He did not want to, nor even pretend to judge spiritual things that he did not really understand. This judgment would be left to the Jews in matters regarding their religion of Judaism.
Yet he would not allow, the Jews to make him {Gallio} their instrument or tool of malice and pretend to pass judgment against Paul {he was following the example Pilate showed when he washed his hands of the matter concerning Christ, and told the Jews to do what they would, but he would have nothing to do with killing Christ}. Gallio looked upon this matter as not within his venue and jurisdiction and he did not intend to meddle in this affair anymore than a dismissal.
Gallio seems to have understood the law better than he did religious and/or worship. Whether Christ was the Messiah and of God, was not the issue before his court and he felt no need to take "judicial notice" of the law of any God. Whether the Gospel teachings of Christ the Messiah was of divine origin or not as these were not questions of words and names (v. 15) as Gallio scornfully and profanely called them. These are valid concerns for Christianity and Judaism but not for a Roman Court, and he felt because of his ignorance of Judaism and Christianity, he did not want to inquire very far into them.
"In 1923, TROTSKY (A Jew), and LUNATCHARSKY PRESIDED OVER A MEETING IN MOSCOW ORGANIZED by the propaganda section of the Communist party TO JUDGE GOD. Five thousand men of the Red Army were present. THE ACCUSED [Almighty God] WAS FOUND GUILTY OF VARIOUS IGNOMINIOUS ACTS AND HAVING HAD THE AUDACITY TO FAIL TO APPEAR, HE [God] WAS CONDEMNED IN DEFAULT." (Ost Express, January 30, 1923. Cf. Berliner Taegeblatt May 1, 1923. See the details of the Bolshevist struggle against religion in The Assault of Heaven by A. Valentinoff (Boswell); The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 144‑145)
Then like today, a great contempt was placed upon the court by the Jews and/or Greeks. For they took Sosthenes and beat him in open contempt of Gallio's dismissal of the case against Paul. Look what happened, recently, in California and other places. If the Jews of Judaism can't have it their way against Christians, they will take it out in some other manner. They were enraged against not only Paul, but also against Gallio and his court of justice. They wanted to be their own prosecutors and if Gallio would not rule in their favor, they would become their own judges and executioners. Apparently the contempt showed what the Jews did, and it did not come before Gallio's court. Gallio cared for none of those things (v. 17) is a puzzling concept of a man who somehow tried to help Paul for whatever reason.
If we can presume that this means that this judge is calloused against the things that bad men do to good men, except when brought into his jurisdiction, we find a flaw in the character of this Roman judge. As a judge he should have protected Sosthenes as much as he did Paul. But the facts point out that he did not. This kind of indifference carries just-us attitudes that compliments tyranny. His do-nothing attitude is evidence of one of Isaiah's writings: "that truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter, and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey."� (Isaiah 59:14-15) Sounds like modern day news reporting, doesn't it?
Our courts today appear to adhere to the concept that justice somehow means just-us and all outsiders (non-Jews) will fall in line under its power to be administered by our controlled and/or deceived judges. So ask yourself, is there a "Jew" word problem; or a society "Jew" problem? Can I come "to know fully" the difference between Jewish Judaism and real true Israelite Christianity:
The mixing of the two religions don't mix anymore than trying to mix oil and water. Those who are truly seeking truth have at one time or another had a man/woman sent from God to witness of the Identity Movement and usually they simply ignored it the first time. Then God in His wisdom would send another.
This time the messenger would be so convincing that the Truth Seeker would set out to prove him {or the material if it were a book or some other written information} wrong. To prove it a false concept. Then they found that the more they studied and learned they found that they have been lied to and deceived by a lot of so-called Christian folks. They came to believe that this was more out of ignorance on their part than deliberate, for they are deceived and content, most of them, to live therein.
But when the Lord reveals much more of His Word to them, they decide to re-educate themselves and find that the process is a never ending one. Because as they learn more, God will reveal more - making the Scriptures "seek and ye shall find" ever more true. They soon found that the Identity teachings were more on line than fundamental Christianity as taught in the churches, on TV and radio today.
It appears to them that the more they study, research and meditate, the more the world pulls at their time just to make ends meet. So they know how the world will pull at you as you attempt to learn the truth. The Jew today still works as they did in the hay-day of Corinth to keep True Israelite Christians so busy that they don't have time to stop and smell the roses and find real truth.
It will only be with the help of YHWH {Almighty God} that the financial prison most of us fined ourselves caged in, will open and free us, swinging open the doors of liberty. Such liberty produces the time and resources needed to wage successful campaigns against the onslaught of deceit, lies and deception in todays (c)hristian parishes or folds. Corinthians were famous for their cleverness, inventiveness and artistic sense. They prided themselves in the embellishment of their city and in the adornment of their heathen temples. But, not a single Corinthian ever distinguished himself in literature. Sound Jewish?
The Adamic Man, White People of Israelite, i.e., Hebrew stock, are the chosen seed of Israel's race. They need to come to know fully who they are, and what they are. Their heritage demands fulfillment here in this American land, the New Jerusalem as spoken of in the Scriptures. Jesus the Christ, the Salvation of Israel, did not come to the Jewish people. in fact He came against almost everything they stand for. He came to the White Israelites, Matthew 15:24 states: "I am not sent, but TO THE LOST SHEEP of the House of Israel." (See James 1:1; John 10:14 & 27)
The World Book omits any reference to the Jews, but under the word Semite it states: "Semite...Semites are those who speak Semitic languages. In this sense the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians were Semites. The Arabs and some Ethiopians are modern Semitic‑speaking people. Modern Jews are often called Semites, but this name properly applies ONLY TO THOSE WHO USE THE HEBREW LANGUAGE. The Jews were once a sub‑type of the Mediterranean race, BUT THEY HAVE MIXED WITH OTHER PEOPLES UNTIL THE NAME �JEW� HAS LOST ALL RACIAL MEANING." Who are the Jews and where is the proof of their existence today?
The Jewish Encyclopedia, states: "EDOM IS IN MODERN JEWRY." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41) There is only one nation in the world that can prove ancestral ties with Edom, and the Jews themselves claim that dubious distinction. To help answer this question further, we refer you to the excellent book (which should be required reading) entitled "Who is Esau-Edom?" (By Charles A. Weisman, copyright 1991, 2nd Edition: May 1992, paperback 128 pages, approx. $8.00. Order from Weisman Publications, %11751 W. Riverhills Dr. #107D, Burnsville, MN 55337) This little book cover the life, history, genealogy, prophecy, predestination and modern identity of Biblical Esau.
Another excellent booklet by Pastor Bob Hallstrom is entitled "Who Are the Pharisees, and the "Jew" Are they Israel?" (Order from: The Gospel of the Kingdom, % P.O. Box 9411, Boise, Idaho 83707, Phone (208) 375-3425) If you don't understand the information in these two books, you will be unable to properly understand the central focus of the Scripture. The Dake Annotated Reference Bible, while being a scholarly effort, it provides annotations and perspectives which suffer from the authors lack of an informed basis regarding the true identity of the "Jews," Pharisees, Hebrews, and Israel. In the last century Bram Stocker wrote the book Dracula and in his book he was describing the Jews from the very beginning of their drive to "occupy" our bodies and souls from the very beginning of the Luciferian infiltration of our society.
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Academia Proves Jews Are Not Israel
There are hundreds of books {most of which are Jewish Encyclopedias and history books} available for study, which prove that over 90% of the JEWS OF THE WORLD ARE NOT A SEMITIC PEOPLE, but few people other than historians ever bother to read them. Following are just a few:
"Chazars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the HISTORY OF THE JEWS OF RUSSIA...driven on by the nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge...In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westward...The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of south Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians...At this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood at the height of its power and was constantly at war...At the end of the eighth century...the chagan (king) of the Chazars and his grandees, TOGETHER WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF HIS HEATHEN PEOPLE, EMBRACED THE JEWISH RELIGION." (Benjamin Freeman, Facts Are Facts)
It is because of the teachings of you Judeo-Christian ministers that the Jews have all but destroyed our once great republic and changed into a damnable democracy. Do you teach these things because you fear the Jews more than God? Or is it more a money game, you can�t get as much money as normal because when people find out that the teachings about the Jews is false?
[[Omitted portion for copyright reasons]] -- See http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-diaspora.htmlBut the New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, page 179,[GCP pg 68] "ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM...constituted before 1963 some nine‑tenths of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,5000,000)[ As of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%]"
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001:
Khazars: (kh�z�rz) (KEY) , ancient Turkic people who appeared in Transcaucasia in the 2d cent. A.D. and subsequently settled in the lower Volga region. They emerged as a force in the 7th cent. and rose to great power. The Khazar empire extended (8th‑10th cent.) from the northern shores of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Urals and as far westward as Kiev. The Khazars conquered the Volga Bulgars and the Crimea, levied tribute from the eastern Slavs, and warred with the Arabs, Persians, and Armenians. In the 10th cent. they� entered into friendly relations with the Byzantine Empire, which attempted to use them in the struggle against the Arabs. In the 8th cent. the Khazar nobility embraced Judaism. Cyril and Methodius subsequently made some Christian converts among them. Religious tolerance was complete in the Khazar empire, which reached a relatively high degree of civilization. Itil, its capital in the Volga delta, was a great commercial center. The Khazar empire fell when Sviatoslav, duke of Kiev, defeated its army in 965. The Khazars (or Chazars) are believed by some to have been the ancestors of many East European Jews.
Russia and The Khazars: Having traced the Knighthood of the Teutonic Order from its origin to its dissolution as a military-religious brotherhood, and having noted the development of successor sovereignties down to the obliteration of Prussia in 1945, we must turn back more than a thousand years, to examine another thread; a scarlet one, in the tangled skein of European history.
In the later years of the dimly recorded first millennium of the Christian era, Slavic people of several kindred tribes occupied the land which became known later as the north central portion of European Russia. South of them between the Don and Volga rivers and north of the lofty Caucasus Mountains lived a people known to history as Khazars. (Ancient Russia, by George Vernadsky, Yale University Press, 1943, p. 214) These people had been driven westward from Central Asia and entered Europe by the corridor between the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea. They found a land occupied by primitive pastoral people of a score or more of tribes, a land which lay beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent under Trajan (ruled, 98-117 A.D.), and also beyond the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire (395-1453)
By slow stages the Khazars extended their territory eventually to the Sea of Azov and the adjacent littoral of the Black Sea. The Khazars were apparently a people of mixed stock with Mongol and Turkic affinities. Around the year 600, a Belligerent tribe of half-Mongolian people, similar to the modern Turks, conquered the territory of what is now Southern Russia. Before long the kingdom (khanate) of the Khazars, as this tribe was known, stretched from the Caspian to the Black Se. Its capital, Ityl, was at the mouth of the Volga River. (A History of the Jews, by Solomon Grayzel, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947)
In the eighth or ninth century of our era, a khakan (or chagan, roughly equivalent to tribal chief or primitive king) of the Khazars wanted a religion for his pagan people. Partly, perhaps, because of incipient tension between Christians and the adherents of the new Mohammedan faith (Mohammed died in 632), and partly because of fear of becoming subject to the power of the Byzantine Emperor or the Islamic Caliph, (Ancient Russia, by George Vernadsky, Yale University Press, 1943, p. 291) he adopted a form of the Jewish religion at a date generally placed at c. 741 A.D., but believed by Fernadsky to be as late as 865.
According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, pp. 375-377:
�This chieftain, Christianity and Mohammedanism to expound their doctrines before him. This discussion convinced him that the Jewish faith was the most preferable, and he decided to embrace it. Thereupon he and about 4,000 Khazars were circumcised; it was only by degrees that the Jewish teachings gained a foothold among the population.�
In his �History of the Jews,� (The Jewish Publication Society of America, Vol. III, 1894, pp. 140-141) Professor H. Graetz gives further details: a successor of Bulan, who bore the Hebrew name of Obadiah, was the first to make serious efforts to further the Jewish religion. He invited Jewish sages to settle in his dominions, rewarded them royally, founded synagogues and schools...caused instruction to be given to himself and his people in the Bible and the Talmud, and introduced a divine service modeled on the ancient communities.
After Obadiah came a long series of Jewish chagans, for according to a fundamental law of the state only Jewish rulers were permitted to ascend the throne. The significance of the term �ancient communities� cannot be here explained. For a suggestion of the �incorrect exposition� and the �tasteless misrepresentations� with which the Bible, i.e., the Old Testament, was presented through the Talmud, see below in this chapter, the extensive quotation from Professor Graetz.
Also in the Middle Ages, Viking warriors, according to Russian tradition by invitation, pushed from the Baltic area into the low hills west of Moscow. Archaeological discoveries show that at one time or another these Northmen penetrated almost all areas south of Lake Ladoga and West of the Kama and Lower Volga Rivers. Their earliest, and permanent, settlements were north and east of the West Dwina River, in the Vale Llmen are, and between the Upper Volga and Oka Rivers, at whose junction they soon held the famous trading post of Nizhni-Novgorod. (Ancient Russia, by George Vernadsky, Yale University Press, p. 267)
These immigrants from the North and West were principally �the �Russ,� a Varangian tribe in ancient annals considered as related to the Swedes, Angles and Northmen. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. XIX, pp. 375-377) From the local Slavic tribes, they organized (c. 862) a state, known subsequently from their name as Russia, which embraced the territory of the Upper Volga and Dnieper Rivers and reached down the latter river to the Black Sea, (An Introduction to Old Norse, by R.V. Gordon, Oxford University Press, 1927, map between pp. xxiv-xxv) and to the Crimea. Russ and Slav were of related stock and their languages, though quite different, had common Indo-Germanic origin. They accepted Christianity as their religion. �Greek Orthodox missionaries, sent to Russ (i.e., �Russia�) in the 860'z baptized so many people that shortly after this a special bishop was sent to care for their needs. (A History of the Ukraine, by Michael Hrushevsky, Yale University Press, 1941, p. 65)
The �Rus� (or �Russ�) were absorbed into the Slav population which they organized into statehood. The people of the new state devoted themselves energetically to consolidating their territory and extending its boundaries. From the Khazars, who had extended their power up the Dnieper Valley, they took Kiev, which �was an important trading center even before becoming, in the 10th century the capital of a large recently Christianized state.� (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, p. 381) Many Varangians (Rus) had settled among the Slavs in this area (the Ukraine), and Christian Kiev became the seat of an enlightened Westward-looking Dynasty, whose members married into several European royal houses, including that of France.
The Slavs, especially those in the area now known as the Ukraine, were engaged in almost constant warfare with the Khazars and finally, by 1016 A.D., destroyed the Khazar government and took a large portion of Khazar territory. For the gradual shrinking of the Khazar territory and the development of Poland, Lithuania, the Grand Duch of Moscow, and the other Slavic states. (See the pertinent maps in the Historical Atlas, by William r. Shepherd, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1911) Some of the subjugated Khazars remained in the slav-held lands their khakans had long ruled, and others �migrated to Kiev and other parts of Russia, (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, p. 377) probably to a considerable extent because of the dislocations wrought by the Mongols under Genghis Khan (11162-1227), who founded in and beyond the old Khazar khanate the short-lived khanate of the Golden Horde.
The Judaized Khazars underwent further dispersion both northwest into Lithuania and Polish areas and also within Russia proper and the Ukraine. In 1240 in Kiev �the Jewish community was uprooted, its surviving members finding refuge in towns further west. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, p. 382) Along with the fleeing Russians, when the capital fell to the Mongol soldiers of Batu, the nephew of Genghis Khan.
A short time later many of these expelled Jews returned to Kiev. Migrating thus, as some local power impelled them, the Khazar Jews became widely distributed in Western Russia. Into the Khazar khanate there had been a few Jewish immigrants; rabbis, traders, refugees, but the people of the Klevan Russian state did not facilitate the entry of additional Jews into their territory. The rulers of the Grand Duchy of Moscow also sought to exclude Jews from areas under its control.
�From its earliest times the policy of the Russian Government was that of complete exclusion of the Jews from its territories. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 384) For instance, �Ivan IV (reign 1533-1584) refused to allow Jewish merchants to travel in Russia.� (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 384)
Relations between Slavs and the Judaized Khazars in their midst were never happy. The reasons were not racial; for the Slavs had absorbed many minorities, but were ideological. The rabbis sent for by Khakan Obadiah were educated in and were zealots for the Babylonian Talmud, which after long labors by many hands had been completed on December 2, 1499.
In the thousands of synagogues which were built in the Khazar khanate, the imported rabbis and their successors were in complete control of the political, social and religious thought of their people. So significant was the Babylonian Talmud as the principal cause of Khazar resistance to Russian efforts to end their political and religious separatism, and so significant also are the modern sequels, including those in the United States, that an extensive quotation on the subject from the �History of the Jews,� by Professor H. Graetz, (History of the Jews, by Professor H. Graetz, Vol. II, 1893. Pp. 631 ff) is here presented: The Talmud must not be regarded as an ordinary work, composed of twelve volumes; it possesses absolutely no similarity to any other literary production, but forms, without any figure of speech, a works of its own, which must be judged by its peculiar laws.
The Talmud contains much that is frivolous of which it treats with great gravity and seriousness; it further reflects the various superstitious practices and views of its Persian birthplace which presume the efficacy of demoniacal medicines, of magic, incantations, miraculous cures, and interpretations of dreams...It also contains isolated instances of uncharitable judgments and decrees against members of other nations and religions, and finally it favors an incorrect exposition of the scriptures, accepting, as it does, tasteless misrepresentations.
More than six centuries lie petrified in the Talmud...Small wonder then, that...the sublime and the common, the great and the small, the grave and the ridiculous, the altar and the ashes, the Jewish and the heathenish, be discovered side by side.
The Babylonian Talmud is especially distinguished form the Jerusalem or Palestine Talmud by the flights of thought, the penetration of mind, the flashes of genius, which rise and vanish again...It was for this reason that the Babylonian rather than the Jerusalem Talmud became the fundamental possession of the Jewish race (people, for the Jews are not a race but a people), its life breath, its very soul...nature and mankind, powers and events, were for the Jewish nation insignificant, non-essential, a mere phantom; the only true really was the Talmud.
Not merely educated by the Talmud but actually living the life of its Babylonian background, which they may have regarded with increased devotion because most of the Jews of Mesopotamia had embraced Islam, the rabbi-governed Khazars had no intention whatever of losing their identity by becoming Russianized or Christian. The intransigent attitude of the rabbis was increased by their realization that their power would be lost if their people accepted controls other than the Talmudic. These controls by rabbis were responsible not only for basic mores, but for such externals as the peculiarities of dress and hair. It has been frequently stated by writers on the subject that the �ghetto� was the work, not of Russians or other Slavs, but rabbis.
As time passed, it came about that these Khazar people of mixed non-Russian stock, who hated the Russians and lived under Babylonian Talmudic law, became known in the western world, from their place of residence and their legal-religious code, as Russian Jews.
Ain Russian lands after the fall of Kiev in 1240, there was a period of dissension and disunity. The struggle with the Mongols and other Asiatic khanates continued and from the Russians learned much about effective military organization. Also, as the Mongols had not overrun Northern and Western Rusasia, (Historical Atlas, by William R. Shepherd (Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1911), Map 77) there was a background for the resistance and counter-offense which gradually eliminated the invaders. The capital of reorganized Russia was no longer Kiev, but Moscow (hence the terms Moscovy and Muscovite).
In 1613 the Russian nobles (boyars), desired a more stable government than they had� had, and elected as their Czar a boy named Michael Romanov, whose veins carried the blood of the Grand Dukes of Kiev and the Grand Dukes of Moscow. Under the Romanovs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there was no change in attitude toward the Judaized Khazars, who scorned Russian civilization and stubbornly refused to enter the fold of Christianity. �Peter the Great (reign 1682-1725) spoke of the Jews as �rogues and cheats.�� (Popular History of the Jews, by H. Graetz, New York, The Jordan Publishing Co., 1919, 12935, Vol. VI, by Max Raisin, p. 89) �Elizabeth (reign 1741-1762) expressed her attitude in the sentence: �From the enemies of Christ, I desire neither gain nor profit.� (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 384)
Under the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917) many members of the Russian upper classes were educated in Germany, and the Russian nobility, already partly Scandinavian by blood, frequently married Germans or other Western Europeans. Likewise many of the Romanovs, themselves; in fact all of them who ruled in the later years of dynasty, married into Western families.
Prior to the nineteenth century the two occupants of the Russian throne best known in world history were Peter I, the Great, and Catherine II, the Great. The former; who in 1703 gave Russia its �West window,� St. Petersburg, later known as Petrograd and recently as Leningrad, chose as his consort and successor on the throne as Catherine I (reign 1725-1727), a captured Marienburg (Germany) servant girl whose mother and father were respectively a Lithuanian peasant woman and a Swedish Dragoon. Catherine II, the Great, was a German princess who was proclaimed reigning Empress of Russia after her husband, the ineffective Czar Peter III, �subnormal in mind and physique,� (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. V, p. 37) left St. Petersburg. During her thirty-four years as Empress, Catherine, by studying such works as Blackstone�s Commentaries, and by correspondence with such illustrious persons as Voltaire, F.M. Grimm Frederick the Great, Dederot, and Maria-Theresa of Austria, kept herself in contact with the West. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. XIX, p. 718 and passim) She chose for her son, weak like his father and later the �madman� Czar Paul I (reign 1796-1801), a German wife.
The nineteenth century Czars were Catherine the Great�s grandson, Alexander I (reign 1801-1825; German wife); his brother, Nicholas I (reign 1825-1855; German wife); his son, Nicholas II (reign 1894-1917; German wife) who was murdered with his family (1918) after the Jewish Communists seized power (1917) in Russia.
Thus many of the Romanovs, including Peter I and Catherine II, had far from admirable characters; a fact well advertised in American books on the subject, and though some of them including Nicholas II were not able rulers, a general purpose of the dynasty was to give their land certain of the advantages of Western Europe. In the West they characteristically sought alliances with one country or another, rather than ideological penetration.
Like, their Slavic overlords, the Judaized Khazars of Russia had various relationships with Germany. Their numbers form time to time, as during the Crusades received accretions from the Jewish communities in Germany; principally into Poland and other areas not yet Russian; many of the ancestors of these people, however, had previously entered Germany form Slavic lands.
More interesting than these migrations was the importation from Germany of an idea conceived by a prominent Jew of solving century-old tension between native majority population and the Jews in their midst. In Germany, while Catherine the Great was Empress of Russia, a Jewish scholar and philosopher named Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) attracted wide and favorable attention among non-Jews and a certain following among Jews.
His conception of the barrier between Jew and non-Jew, as analyzed by Grayzel, (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. V, p. 37) was that the �Jews had erected about themselves a mental ghetto to balance the physical ghetto around them.� Mendelssohn�s objective was to lead the Jews �out of this mental ghetto into the wide world of general culture; without, however, doing harm to their specifically Jewish culture,� The movement received the name Haskalah, which may be rendered as �enlightenment.� Among other things, Mendelssohn wished Jews in Germany to learn the German language.
The Jews of Eastern Europe had from early days used corrupted versions of local vernaculars, written in the Hebrew alphabet (A History of the Jews, by Solomon Grayzel, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947, p. 456) just as the various vernaculars of Western Europe were written in the Latin alphabet, and to further his purpose Mendelssohn translated the Pentateuch; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, into standard German, using however, the accepted Hebrew alphabet. (A History of the Jews, by Solomon Grayzel, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947, p. 543) Thus in one stroke he led his readers a step toward Westernization by the use of the German Language and by offering them, instead of the Babylonian Talmud, a portion of Scripture recognized by both Jew and Christian.
The Mendelssohn views were developed in Russia in the nineteenth century, notably by Isaac Baer Levinsohn (1788-1860), the �Russian Mendelssohn.� Levinsohn was a scholar who, with Abraham Harkavy, deceived into a field of Jewish history little known in the West, namely the settlement of Jewish history little known in the West, namely the settlement of Jews in Russia and their vicissitudes furring the dark ages... Levinsohn was the first to express the opinion that the Russian Jews hailed not from Germany, as is commonly supposed, but from the banks of the Volga. This hypotheses, corroborated by tradition, Harkavy established as a fact.� (The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, p. 17)
The reigns of the nineteenth century Czars showed a fluxuation of attitudes toward the Jewish �state within a state.� (The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, p. 43) In general, Nicholas I had been less lenient than Alexander I toward his intractable non-Christian minority, but he took an immediate interest in the movement endorsed by opportunity for possibly breaking down the separatism of the Judaized Khazars. He put in charge of the project of opening hundreds of Jewish schools a brilliant young Jew, Er. Max Lilenthal.
From its beginning however, the Haskalah movement had had bitter oppositino among Jews in Germany; many of whom, including the famous Moses Hess, (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, Vol. VI. Pp. 371) became ardent Jewish nationalists, and in Russia the opposition was fanatical. �The great mass of Russian Jewry was devoid of all secular learning, steeped in fanaticism, and given to superstitious practices (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, p. 112) and their leaders, for the most part, had no opinion of tolerating a project which would lessen or destroy their control.
These leaders believed correctly that the need education was designed to lessen the authority of the Talmud which was the cause, as the Russians saw it, �of the fanaticism and corrupt morals of the Jews.� The leaders of the Jews also saw that the new schools were a way �to bring the Jews closer to the Russian people and the Greek Church.� (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, p, 116) According to Raisi, �the millions of Russian Jews were averse to having the government interfere with their inner and spiritual life� by �foisting upon them its educational measures. The soul of Russian Jewry sensed the danger lurking in the imperial scheme.� (The Haskalah Movement on Russia, Vol. VI, p. 117) Lilienthal was in their eyes �a traitor and informer,� and in 1845, to recover a modicum of prestige with his people, he �shook the dust of bloody Russia from his feet.� (Graetz-Raisim, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, Vol. V, p. 117) Thus the Haskalah movement failed in Russia to break down the separatism of the Judaized Khazars.
When Nicholas I died, his son Alexander Ii (reign 1855-1881) decided to try a new way of winning the Khazar minority to willing citizenship in Russia. He granted his people, including the Khazars, so many liberties that he was called the �Czar Liberator.�
By irony, or nemesis, his �liberal regime� contributed substantially to the downfall of Christian Russia. Despite the ill-success of his Uncle Alexander�s �measures to effect the �betterment� of the �obnoxious� Jewish element, (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 384) he ordered a wholesale relaxation of oppressive and restraining regulations (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1913, 1914, Vol. VI, p. 124) and the Jews were free to attend all schools and universities and to travel without restrictions. The new freedom led, however, to results the �Liberator� had not anticipated.
Educated, and free at last to organize nationally, the Judaized Khazars in Russia became not merely an indigestible mass in the body polite, the characteristic �state within a state,� but a formidable anti-government force. With non-Jews of nihilistic or other radical tendencies; the so-called Russian �intelligentsia� they sought in the first instance to further their aims by assassinations. (Modern European History, by Charles Downer Hazen, Holt, New York, p. 565) Alexander tried to abate the hostility of the �terrorists� by granting more and more concessions, but on the day the last concessions were announced �a bomb was thrown at his carriage. The carriage was wrecked, and many of his escorts were injured. Alexander escaped as by a miracle, but a second bomb exploded near him as he was going to aid the injured. He was horribly mangled, and died within an hour. Thus perished the Czar Liberator. (Modern European History, p. 567)
Some of those involved in earlier attempts to assassinate Alexander II were of Jewish Khazar background. (See The Anarchists, by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly, John Lane, London and New York 1911, p. 66) According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, the �assassination of Alexander II in which a Jewess had played a part� revived a latent �anti-Semitism.� Resentful of precautions taken by the murdered Czar�s son and successor, Alexander III, and also possessing a new world plan, hordes of Jews, some of them highly educated in Russian universities, migrated to other European countries and to America. The emigration continued under Nicholas II. Many Jews remained in Russia, however, for �in 1913 the Jewish population of Russia amounted to 6,946,000. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, p. 285)
Various elements of this restless aggressive minority nurtured the amazing quadruple aims of international Communism, the seizure of power in Russia, Zionism, and continued migration to America, with a fixed purpose to retain their nationalistic separatism. In many instances, the same individuals were participants I two or more phases of the four-fold objective.
Among the Jews who remained in Russia, which then included Lithuania, the Ukraine, (A History of the Ukraine, Michael Hrushevsky, Yale University Press, 1941) and much of Poland, were the founders of the Russian Bolshevik party. In 1897 was founded the bond, the union of Jewish workers in Poland and Lithuania...They engaged in revolutionary activity upon a large scale, and their energy made them the spearhead of the Party. (Article on �Communism� by Harold J. Laski, Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, pp. 824-827)
The name Bolsheviki means majority (from Russian Bolshe, the larger) and commemorates the fact that at the Brussels-London conference of the party in late 1902 and early 1903, the violent Marxist program of Lenin was adopted by a 25 to 23 vote, the less violent minority or �Mensheviki� Marxists fading finally from the picture after Stalin�s triumph in October, 1917. It has been also stated that the term Bolshevik refers to the �larger� or more violent program of the majority faction. After (1918) the Bolsheviki called their organization the Communist Party.
The Zionist Jews were another group that laid its plan in Russia as a part of the new re-orientation of Russian Jewry after the collapse of Haskalah and the assassination (1881) of Alexander II. �On November 6, 1884, for the first time in history, a Jewish international assembly was held at Kattowitz, near the Russian frontier, where representatives from all classes and different countries met and decided to colonize Palestine...� (The Haskalah Movement in Russia, p. 285)
For a suggestion of the solidarity of purpose between the Jewish Bund, which was the core of the Communist Party, and early Zionism. (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, p. 662) Henceforth a heightened sense of race-consciousness takes the place formerly held by religion and is soon to develop into a concrete nationalism with Zion as its goal.� (Graetz-Raisin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, by Jacob S. Raisin, p. 168)
In Russia and abroad in the late nineteenth century, not only Bundists but other Khazar Jews had been attracted to the writings of Karl Marx (1818-1883), party, it seems, because he was Jewish in origin. �On both paternal and material sides Karl Marx was descended from rabbinical families. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VII, p. 289)
The Marxian program of drastic controls, so repugnant to the free western mind, was no obstacle to the acceptance of Marxism by many Khazar Jews, for the Babylonian Talmud under which they lived had taught them to accept authoritarian dictation on everything from their immorality to their trade practices. Since the Talmud contained more than 12,000 controls, the regimentation of Marxism was acceptable; provided the Khazar politician, like the Talmudic rabbi, exercised the power of the dictatorship.
Under Nicholas II, there was no abatement of the regulations designed, after the murder of Alexander II. To curb the anti-government activities of Jews; consequently, the �reaction to those excesses was Jewish support of the Bolsheviks...(Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VII, p. 286) The way to such support was easy since the predecessor organization of Russian Communism was the Jewish �Bund.�
Thus Marxian Communism, modified for expediency, became an instrument for the violent seizure of power. The Communist Jews, together with revolutionaries of Russian stock, were sufficiently numerous to give the venture a promise of success, if attempted at the right time. After the rout of the less violent fraction in 1917, when Russia was staggering under defeat by Germany/ a year before Germany in turn staggered to defeat under the triple blows of Britain, France, and the Untied States. �The great hour of freedom struck on the 15th of March, 1917,� when �Czar Nicholas�s train was stopped� and he was told �that his rule was at an end...Israel, in Russia, suddenly found itself lifted out of its oppression and degradation.� (Graetz-Rasin, The Haskalah Movement on Russia, p. 209)
At this moment Lenin appeared on the scene, after an absence of nine years. (Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. XIII, p. 912)� The Germans, not realizing that he would be anything more than a trouble maker for their World War I enemy, Russia, passed him and his party (exact number disputed; about 200?)
In a sealed train from Switzerland to the Russian border. In Lenin�s sealed train, �Out of a list of 165 names published, 23 are Russian, 3 Georgian, 4 Armenian, 1 German, and 128 Jewish. (The Surrender of an Empire, Nesta H. Webster, Boswell Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd., 10 Essex St., London, W.C2, 1931, p. 77) �At about the same time, Trotsky arrived from the United States, followed by over 300 Jews from the East End of New York and joined up with the Bolshevik Party.� (The Surrender of an Empire, p. 73)
Thus under Lenin, whose birth-name was Ulianov and whose racial antecedents are certainly Jewish, and under Leon Trotsky, a Jew, whose birth name was Bronstein, a small number of highly trained Jews from abroad, along with Russian Judaized Khazars and non-Jewish captives to the Marxian ideology, were able to make themselves masters of Russia. �Individual revolutionary leaders and Sverdlov; played a conspicuous part in the revolution of November, 1917, which enabled the Bolshevists to take possession of the state apparatus. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. IX, p. 668)
Here and there in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia other Jews w are named as co-founders of Russian Communism, but not Lenin and Stalin. Both of these, however, are said by some writers to be half-Jewish. Whatever the racial antecedents of their top man, the first Soviet commissariats were largely staffed with Jews. The Jewish position in the Communist movement was well understood in Russia. �The White Armies which opposed the Bolshevik government linked Jews and Bolsheviks as common enemies.� (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 336)
Those interested in the ratio of Jews to others in the government in the early days of Communist rule in Russia should, if possible, see Les derniers jours des Romanof, (The Last Days of the Romanovs, by Robert Wilton) long the Russian correspondent of the London Times. A summary of its vital passages is included in the �foreword to Third Edition� of �The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, by Rev. Denis Fahey, a well-known Irish professor of philosophy and Church history. Professor Fahey gives names and nationality of the members of the Council of Peoples Commissars, the Central Executive Committee, and the Extraordinary Commission, and in summary quotes from Wilton as follows: According to the data furnished by the Soviet Press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State...there were in 1918-1919, 17 Russian, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Karaim, 457 Jews.
As the decades passed by; after the fateful year 1917, Judaized Khazars kept a firm hand on the helm of the government in the occupied land of Russia. In due time they built a bureaucracy to their hearts� desire. The government; controlled Communist press �issued numerous and violent denunciations of anti-Semitic episodes, either violence or discriminations.
Also, �in 1935 a court ruled that anti-Semitism in Russia was a penal offense. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 386) Among top-flight leaders prominent in the middle of the twentieth century. Stalin, Kaganovich, Berra, Molotov, and Litvinoff all have Jewish blood, or are married to Jewesses. The latter circumstance should not be overlooked, because from Nero�s Poppaea (Encyclopedia, Italiana, Vol. XXVII, p. 932; also, The Works of Flavius Josephus, translated by William Whiston, David McKay, Philadelphia, pp. 8, 612, 616) to the Montreal chemist�s women friend in the Canadian atomic espionage trials. (Report of the Royal Commission, Government Printing Office, Ottawa, Canada, 1946) The influence of a certain type of wife; or other closely associated woman, has been of utmost significance.
Nero and Poppaea may be allowed to sleep; if their crimes permit, but Section III, 11, entitled �Raymond Boyer, Montreal,� in the Report of the Canadian Royal Commission should be read in full by all who want facts on the subject of the corruption of scientists, and others working on government projects. In the Soviet embassy records, turned over to Canadian authorities by Ivor Gouzinko, was Col. Zabotin�s notebook which contained the following entries; (Report of the Royal Commission, Government Printing Office, Canada, 1946, pp. 375 and 397 respectively) Professor Frenchman, a noted chemist, about 40 years of age. Works in McGill University, Montreal. Was the best of the specialists on VV on the American Continent. Gives full information on explosives and chemical plants. Very rich. He is afraid to work. (Gave the formula of RDX, up to the present there was no evaluation from the boss)
Contact; I. Freda: Jewess; works as a co-worker in the International Bureau of Labor. A lady friend of the Professor. In view of the facts furnished above as to the racial composition of the early Communist bureaucracy, it is perhaps not surprising that a large proton of the important foreign efforts of the present government of Russia are entrusted to Jews.
This is especially notable in the list of current or recent exercises of Soviet power in the satellite lands of Eastern Europe. Anna Rabinsohn Pauker, Dictator of Rumania; Matyas Rakosi, Director of Hungary; Jacob Berman, Dictator of Poland; D.M. Manuilsky, Director of the Ukraine; and many other persons highly placed in the governments of the several Eastern European countries are all said to be members of this new Royal Race of Russia.
Of Eastern European origin are the leaders of late nineteenth century and twentieth century political Zionism which flowered from the already recorded beginnings at Kattowitz in 1884. Born at Budapest, Hungary, was Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), author (1896) of Der Judenstatt (The Jews� State), who presided over the �Zionist Congress,� which �took place at Basel, Switzerland, on August 29-31, 1897. (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 102)
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the had of political Zionism at that time of its recourse to violence, was born in Plonsk, Poland. Since these top leaders are Eastern Europeans, it is not surprising that most of the recent immigrants into Palestine are of Soviet and satellite origin and that their weapons have been largely from the soviet Union and from Soviet-controlled Czechoslovakia.
As a number of writers have pointed out, political Zionism entered its violent phase after the discovery of the incredibly vast mineral wealth of Palestine. According to �Zionists Misleading World With Untruths for Palestine Conquest,� a full-page article inserted as an advertisement in the New York Herald Tribune (January 14, 1947), �an independent Jewish state in Palestine was the only certain method by which Zionists could acquire complete control and outright ownership of the proven Five Trillion Dollar ($5,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo) chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea.�
The long documented article is signed by R.M. Schoendorf, �Representative of Cooperating Americans of the Christian Faith;� by Habib I. Katibah, �Representative of Cooperating Americans of Arab Ancestry;� and by Benjamin H. Freedman, �Representative of Cooperating Americans of the Jewish Faith,� and is convincing. Irrespective, however, of the value of the Dead Sea minerals, the oil flow of the dominance of the motive of self-aggrandizement in political Zionism has been affirmed and denied; but it is difficult for an observer to see any possible objective apart from mineral wealth or long range grand strategy, including aggression, in a proposal to make a nation out of an agriculturally poor, already overpopulated territory the size of Vermont.
The intention of aggression at the expense of Moslem peoples, particularly in the direction of Iraq and Iran, is suggested also by the fact that the Eastern European Jews, adherents to the Babylonian Talmud, had long turned their thoughts to the lands where their sages lived and where most of the native-Jewish population had embraced the Moslem faith. Any possible Zionist religious motive such as the hope of heaven, which fired the zeal of the Crusaders, is apparently ruled out by the nature of Judaism, as it is generally understood. �
The Jewish religion is a way of life and has no formulated creed, or articles of faith, the acceptance of which brings redemption or salvation to the believer...� (Opening words, p. 763, of the section on �doctrines,� in Religious Bodies: 1936, Vol. II, Part I, Denominations A to J, U.S. Department of Commerce, Jesse H. Jones, Secretary, Bureau of Census, Superintendent of documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.)
The secret or underground overseas efforts of Khazar-dominated Russia apparently been intrusted principally to Jews. This is especially true of atomic espionage. The Report of the Royal Commission of Canada, already referred to, shows that Sam Carr (Cohen), organizer for all Canada; Fred Rose (Rosenberg), organizer for French Canada, and member of the Canadian Parliament from a Montreal constituency; and Germina (or Hermina) Rabinowich, in charge of liaison with U.S. Communists, were all born in Russia or satellite lands.
In this connection, it is important to stress the fact that the possession of a Western name does not necessarily imply Western European stock. In fact, the maneuver of name-changing frequently disguises an individual�s stock or origin. Thus the birth-name of John Gates; editor of the Communist Daily Worker was Israel Regenstreif. Other name changers among the eleven Communists found guilty by a New York jury in October, 1949, included Gil Green, born Greenberg; Gus Hall, born Halberg; and Carl Winter, born Weissberg. (For details on these men and the others, see the article, �The Trial of the Eleven Communists,� by Sidney Shalett, Reader�s Digest, August, 1950, pp. 59-72)
Other examples of name-changing can be cited among political writers, army officers, and prominent officials in the executive agencies and departments in Washington. Parenthetically, the maneuver of acquiring a name easily acceptable to the majority was very widely practiced by the aliens prominent in the seizure of Russia for Communism, among the name-changers being Lenin (Ulianov), Trotsky (Bronstein), and Stalin(Dzygasgvuku), the principle founders of State Communism.
The United States Government refused Canada�s invitation in 1946 to cooperate in Canada�s investigation of atomic spies, but in 1950 when (despite �red herring� talk of the Chief Executive) our atomic spy suspects began to be apprehended, the first was Harry Gold, then Abraham Brothmn, and Miriam Moskowitz. Others were M. Sobell, David Greenglass, Julius Fosenberg, and Mr. Ethel Rosenberg (not to be confused with Mrs. Anna Rosenberg). Various sentences were given. The Rosenbergs received the death penalty. (See Atom Treason, by Frank Britton)
As of early May, 1952, however, the sentence had not been carried out and a significant portion of the Jewish press was campaigning to save the Rosenbergs. Referring to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Samuel B. Gach, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the California Jewish Voice (�Largest Jewish Circulation in the West�) wrote as follows in his issue of April 25, 1952: �We deplore the sentence against that two Jews and despise the cowardly Jewish judge who passed same...�
In March, 1951, Dr. William Perl of the Columbia University _physics Department was arrested �on four counts of perjury in connection with the crumbling Soviet atomic spy ring ...Perl whose father was born in Russia...had his name changed from Utterperl (Mutterperl?) To Perl� in 1945. (Washington Times-Herald, March 15, 1951)
For further details on these persons and others, see �Atomic Traitors,� by Congressmen Fred Busbey of Illinois in the June, 1951, Number of National Republic.
Finally, the true head of Communism in America was found not to be the publicly announced head, but the Jew, Gerhardt Eisler, who, upon detection �escaped� from America on the Polish S.S. �Batory,� to a high position in the Soviet Government of East Germany.� (Communist Activities Amon Aliens and National Groups, part III, Government printing Office, Washington, D.C., p. 236)
Very pertinent to the subject under consideration is a statement entitled �Displaced Persons: Facts vs. Fiction,� made in the Senate of the United States on January 6, 1950, by Senator Pat McCarran, Democrat of Nevada, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Senator McCarran said in part: �Let it be remembered that the Attorney General of the United States recently testified that an analysis of 4,984 of the more militant members of the Communist Party in the United States showed that 91.4 percent of the total were of foreign stock or were married to persons of foreign stock.�
With more than nine-tenths of our �more militant� Communists thus recruited from or allied to �foreign stock� and with that �stock: totaling perhaps not more than 10,000,000 or one-fifteenth of our nation�s population, a little recourse to mathematics will suggest that the employment of an Eastern European or other person of recent alien extraction or connection is one hundred and fifty times more likely to yield a traitor than is the employment of a person of native stock!�
An �authoritative� Jewish point of view toward Soviet Russia is explained in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia in the concluding paragraphs on Karl Marx. According to this source, Jews �recognize the experience of the Soviet Union, borne of 6,000,000 Jews, as testimony of the Marxist position on the question of national and racial equality.� The Encyclopedia comments further on the �striking fact that the one country which professes official allegiance to Marxian teachings is the one where anti-Semitism has been outlawed and its resurgence rendered impossible by the removal of social and economic inequalities.� (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, p. 390)
In �The Jewish People Face the Post-War World,� by Alexander Bittelman (Morning Freiheit Association, 1945, p. 19) the affection of a considerable body of American Jews for the Soviet Union is considerable body of American Jews for the Soviet Union is expressed dramatically: If not for the Red Army, there would be no Jews in Europe today, nor in Palestine, nor in Africa; and in the United States, the length of our existence would be counted in days...The Soviet Union Has Saved The Jewish People.
Therefore, let the American Jewish masses never forge our historic debt to the Savior of the Jewish people; the Soviet Union. Be it noted, however, that Mr. Bittelman admits indirectly that he is not speaking for all American Jews, particularly when he assails as �reactionary� the �non-democratic forced in Jewish life...such as the Sulzbergers, Rosenwalds, and Lazsrons.� (Morning Freiheit Association, p. 9) In addition to ideology, another factor in the devotion to their old homelands of so many of the newer American Jews of Eastern European source is kinship. According to The American Zionist Handbook, 68 to 70% of United States Jews have relations in Poland and the Soviet Union.
Quite in harmony with the Bittleman attitude toward the Soviet was the finding of the Canadian Royal Commission that Soviet Russia exploits fully the predilection of Jews toward Communism: �It is significant that a number of documents from the Russian Embassy specifically note �Jew� or �Jewess� in entries on their relevant Canadian agents or prospective agents, showing that the Russian Fifth Column leaders attached particular significance to this matter.� (The Report of the Royal Commission, p. 82)
In view of the above-quoted statement of a writer for the great New York publication, the Universal Jewish encyclopedia, which is described on its title page as �authorative,� and in view of the findings of the Canadian Royal Commission, not to mention other facts and testimonies, it would seem that no one should be surprised that certain United States Jews of Eastern European origin or influence have transmitted atomic or other secrets to the Soviet Union.
Those who are caught, of course, must suffer the fate of spies, as would happen to American espionage agents abroad; but, in the opinion of the author, the really guilty parties in the Untied States are those Americans of native stock who, for their own evil purposes, placed the pro-Soviet individuals in positions where thy could steal or connive at the stealing of American secrets of atomic warfare. This guilt, which in view of the terrible likely results of atomic espionage is really blood-guilt, cannot be sidestepped and should not be overlooked by the American people.
The presence of so many high-placed spies in the United States prompts a brief reference to our national habit (a more accurate term than policy) in regard to immigration. In December, 2, 1832, President Monroe proclaimed, in the famous Doctrine which bears his name, that the American government would not allow continental European powers to �extend their system� in the Untied States.
At that time and until the last two decades of the nineteenth century, immigration brought us almost exclusively European people whose ideals were those of Western Christian civilization; these people became helpers in subduing and settling our vast frontier area; they wished to conform to rather than modify or supplant the body of traditions and ideals summed up in the word �America.�
After 1880, however, our immigration shifted sharply to include millions of persons from Southern and Eastern Europe. Almost all of these people were less� sympathetic than predecessor immigrants to the government and the ideals of the Untied States and a very large portion of them were non-Christians who had no intention whatever of accepting the ideals of Western Christian civilization, but had purposes of their own. These purposes were accomplished not by direct military invasion, as President Monroe feared, but covertly by infiltration, propaganda, and electoral and financial pressure. The average American remained unaware and unperturbed.
Among those who early foresaw the problems to be created by our new immigrants was General Eisenhower�s immediate predecessor as President of Columbia University. In a small but extremely valuable book, �The American As He Is,� President Nicholas Murray Butler in 1908 called attention to �the fact that Christianity in some one of its many forms is a dominant part of the American nature.� Butler, then at the zenith of his intellectual power, expressed fear that our �capacity to subdue and assimilate the alien elements brought...by immigration may soon be exhausted.� He concluded accordingly that �The dangers which confront America will come, if at all, from within.�
Statistics afford ample reasons for President Butler�s fears. �The new immigration was comprised preponderantly of three elements: the Italians, the Slavs, and the Jews. (The Report of the Royal Commission, p. 82) The Italians and the Slavs were less assimilable than immigrants from Northern and Western Europe, and tended to congregate instead of distributing themselves over the hole country as the earlier Northern European immigrants had usually done.
The assimilation of Italians and Slavs was helped, however, by their belonging to the same parent Indo-Germanic racial stock as the English-German-Irish majority, and above all by their being Christians; mostly Roman Catholics, and therefore finding numerous co-religionists not only among fully Americanized second and third generation Irish Catholics but among old stock Anglo-American Catholics descending from Colonial days. Quite a few persons of Italian and Slavic stock were or became Protestants, chiefly Baptist; among them being ex-Governor Charles Polett of New York and ex-Governor Harold Stassen of Minnesota. The new Italian and Slavic immigrants and their children soon began to marry among the old stock. In a protracted reading of an Italian language American newspaper, the author noted that approximately half of all recorded marriages of Italians were to person with non-Italian names.
Thus in one way or another the new Italian and Slavic immigrants began to merge into the general American pattern. This happened to some extent everywhere and was notable in areas where the newcomers were not congregated; as in certain urban and mining areas, but were dispersed among people of native stock. With eventual complete assimilation by no means impossible, there was no need of a national conference of Americans and Italians or of Americans and Slavs to further the interests of those minorities.
With the new Jewish immigrants, however, the developments were strikingly different; and quite in line with the fears of resident Butler. The handful of Jews, mostly Sephardic (Webster�s New International Dictionary, 1934, p. 2281) and German, already in this country (about 280,000 in 1877), were not numerous enough to contribute cultural guidance to the newcomers. (See Graetz-Raisin, Vol. VI, Chapter IV, an �American Continent,� A �the Sephardic and German Periods,� �B� �The Russian Period.�) These newcomers arrived in vast hordes; especially from territory under the sovereignty of Russia, the total number of legally recorded immigrants from that country between 1881 and 1920 being 3,237,079, (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 817) most of them Jews. Many of those Jews are now referred to as Polish Jews because they came from that portion of Russia which had been the kingdom of Poland prior to the �partitions� of 1772-1795 (Modern History, by Carl I. Becker, Silver Burdett Company, New York, p. 138) and was the Republic of Poland between World War I and World War II. Accordingly New York City�s 2,500,00 or more Jews.
Thus by sheer weight of numbers, as well as by aggressiveness the newcomer Jews from Eastern Europe pushed into the background the more or less Westernized Jews, who had migrated or whose ancestors had migrated to America prior to 1880 and had become for the most part popular and successful merchants with no inordinate interest in politics. In striking contrast, the Eastern European Jew made himself �a power to be reckoned with in the professions, the industries, and the political parties. (Graetz-Raisin, Vol. VI, p. 344)
The overwhelming of the older Americanized Jews is well portrayed in �The Jewish Dilemma,� by Elmer Berger. (The Devin Adair Company, New York, 1945) Of the early American Jews, Berger writes: �Most of thee first 200,000 came from Germany.
They integrated themselves completely. (The Devin Adair Company, New York, 1945, p. 232 ) This integration was not difficult; for many persons of the Jewish religion Western Europe in the nineteenth century not only had no racial or ethnic connection with the Khazars, but were not separatists or Jewish nationalists. The old contentions of their ancestors with their Christian neighbors in Western Europe had been largely overlooked on both sides by the beginning of the nineteenth century, and nothing stood in the way of their full integration into national life. The American kinsmen of these Westernized Jews were similar in outlook.
Since the predominant new Jews consider themselves a superior people, (Race and Nationality as Factors in American Life, by Henry Pratt Fairchild, The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1947, p. 140) and a separate nationality, assimilation appears now to be out of the question. America now has virtually a nation within the nation, and an aggressive culture-conscious nation at that.
The stream of Eastern Europeans was diminished in volume during World War I, but was at flood level again in 1920. (Race and Nationality as Factors in American Live, p. 140) At last the Congress became sufficiently alarmed to initiate action. The House Committee on immigration, in its report on the bill that later became the quota law of 1921, reported: There is a limit to our power of assimilation...the processes of assimilation and amalgamation are slow and difficult.
With the population of the broken parts of Europe headed this way in every-increasing numbers, why not pre-emptorily check the stream with this temporary measure, and in the meantime try the unique and novel experiment of enforcing all of the immigration laws on our statutes? Accordingly, the 67th Congress �passed the first quota law, which was approved on May 19, 1921, limiting the number of any nationality entering the United States to 3 percent of the foreign-born of that nationality who lived here in 1910. Under the law, approximately 350,000 aliens were permitted to enter each year, mostly from Northern and Western Europe. (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 56)
The worry of the Congress over unassimilated aliens continued and the House Congress over unassimilable aliens continued and the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization of the 68th Congress reported that it was �necessary to the successful future of our nation to preserve the basic strain of our population� and continued (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 60) as follows: Since it is the axiom of political science that a government not imposed by external force is the visible expression of the ideals, standards, and social viewpoint of the people over which it rules, it is obvious that a change in the character or composition of the population must inevitably result in the evolution of a form of government consonant with the base upon which it rests. If, therefore, the principle of individual liberty, guarded by a constitutional government created on this continent nearly a century and a half ago, is to endure, the basic strain of our population must be maintained and our economic standards preserved.
The American people do not concede the right of any foreign group in the United States, or government abroad, to demand a participation in our possessing, tangible or intangible, or to dictate the character of our legislation.
The new law �changed the quota basis form 1910 to 1890, reduced the quotas from 3 to 2 percent, provided for the establishment of permanent quotas on the basis of national origin, and placed the burden of proof on the alien with regard to his admissibility and the legality of his residence in the United States.� It was passed by the Congress on May 15,and signed by President Calvin Coolidge on May 26, 1924. The new quota system was still more favorable relatively to the British Isles and Germany and other countries of Northern and Western Europe and eluded �persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States.� Unfortunately, within ten years, this salutary law was to be largely nullified misinterpretation of its intent and by continued scandalous maladministration, a principle worry of the Congress (as shown above) in 1921 and continuously since. (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 60)
By birth and by immigration either clandestine or in violation of the intent of the �national origins� law of 1924, the Jewish population of the U.S. increased rapidly. The following official Census Bureau statement is of interest: �In 1887 there were at least 277 congregations in the country and 230,000 Jews; in 1890, 533 congregations and probably 475,000 Jews; in 1906, 1700 congregations and about 1,775,000 Jews; in 1916, 1900 congregations and about 3,300,000 Jews; in 1936, 3,118 permanent congregations and 4,641,184 Jews residing in the cities, towns and villages in which the congregations were located.� (Religious Bodies, p. 763)
On other religions, the latest government statistics are mostly for the year 1947, but for Jews the 1936 figure remains. (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 849) As to the total number of Jews in the Untied States the government has no exact figures, any precise figures beyond a vague �over five million� being impossible because of incomplete records and illegal immigration. The Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate, (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. u8423) however, accepts the World Almanac figure of 15,713,638 Jews of religious affiliation in the world and summarizes thus: �statistics indicate that over 50 of 15,713,638 Jews of religious affiliation in the world and summarizes thus: �statistics indicate that over 50 percent of the World Jewish population is now residing in the Western Hemisphere, (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 21) i.e., at least 8,000,000.
Since some three-fourths of a million Jews live in other North and South American countries besides the United States may be placed at a minimum of about 7,250,000. Jews unaffiliated with organizations whose members are counted, illegal entrants, etc., may place the total number in the neighborhood of 10,000,000. This likely figure would justify the frequently heard statement that more than half the Jews of the world are in the United States. Percentage-wise this is the government summary (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 241) of Jewish population in the United States.
In 1937, Jews constituted less than 4 percent of the American people, but during the 7-year period following (1937-43), net Jewish immigration to the United States ranged between 25 and 77 percent of total net immigration to this country. For the 36-year period, 1908-43, net Jewish immigration constituted 14 percent of the total. The population of the Jewish population has increased twenty-one-fold during the same period.
The above government figures require elucidation. The figures include only those Jews connected with an organized Jewish congregation and, as a corollary, exclude the vast number of Jew, illegal entrants and others, who are not so connected, and hence not officially listed as Jews.
The stated increase of Jews by 2100 percent since 1877 is thus far too small because non-Congregational Jews are not counted. Moreover, since the increase of 300 percent in the total population includes known Jews, who increased at the rate of 2100 percent, the increase in population of non-Jews is far less than the 300 percent increase of the total population. This powerful and rapidly growing minority; closely knit and obsessed with its own objectives which are not those of Western Christian civilization, will be discussed along with other principal occupants of the stage of public affairs in America during the early 1950s. Details will come as a surprise to many, who are the unwitting victims of censorship. Valuable for its light on the global projects of political Zionism, with especial reference to Africa, is Douglas Reed�s �Somewhere South of Suez.� (Devin-Adair Company, New York, 1951)
After mentioning that the �secret ban� against publishing the truth on �Zionist Nationalism,� which he holds �to be allied in its roots to Soviet Communism,� has grown in his adult lifetime �from nothing into something approaching a law of lese majesty at some absolute court of the dark past,� Mr. Reed states further that �the Zionist Nationalists are powerful enough to govern governments in the great countries of the remaining West!� He concludes further that �American Presidents and British Prime Ministers, and all their colleagues,� bow to Zionism as if venerating a shrine.
The History of The Jewish Khazars: "...Our first question here is, When did the Khazars and the Khazar name appear? There has been considerable discussion as to the relation of the Khazars to the Huns on the one hand and to the West Turks on the other. The prevalent opinion has for some time been that the Khazars emerged from the West Turkish empire.
Early references to the Khazars appear about the time when the West Turks cease to be mentioned. Thus they are reported to have joined forces with the Greek Emperor Heraclius against the Persians in A.D. 627 and to have materially assisted him in the siege of Tiflis. it is a question whether the Khazars were at this time under West Turk supremacy. The chronicler Theophanes {died circa A.D. 818} who tells the story introduces them as 'the Turks from the east whom they call Khazars.'...
A similar discussion on the merits of the different races is reported from the days before Muhammad, in which the speakers are the Arab Nu'man ibn-al-Mudhir of al-Hirah and Khusraw Anushirwan. The Persian gives his opinion that the Greeks, Indians, and Chinese are superior to the Arabs and so also, in spite of their low material standards of life, the Turks and the Khazars, who at least possess an organization under their kings. Here again the Khazars are juxtaposed with the great nations of the east. It is consonant with this that tales were told of how ambassadors from the Chinese, the Turks, and the Khazars were constantly at Khusraw's gate, (Tabari, i, 899. According to ibn-Khurdadhbih, persons wishing access to the Persian court from the country of the Khazars and the Alans were detained at Bab al-Abwab (B.G.A. vi, 135)) and even that he kept three thrones of gold in his palace, which were never removed and on which none sat, reserved for the kings of Byzantium, China and the Khazars.
In general, the material in the Arabic and Persian writers with regard to the Khazars in early times falls roughly into three groups, centering respectively round the names of (a) one or other of the Hebrew patriarchs, (b) Alexander the Great, and (c) certain of the Sassanid kings, especially, Anushirwan and his immediate successors.
A typical story of the first group is given by Ya'qubi in his History. After the confusion of tongues at Babel ( Genesis 10:18; 11:19); the descendants of Noah came to Pleg (Genesis 10:25; 11:16-19; 1 Chronicles 1:19; 1:25), son of Eber (Genesis 10:21; 10:24-25; 11:14-17; Numbers 24:24; 1 Chronicles 1:18-19; 1:25; 8:12; Nehemiah 12:20), and asked him to divide (Genesis 10:5; 10:25; 10:32; Exodus 14:21; Deuteronomy 4:19; 32:8; 1 Chronicles 1:19) the earth among them. He apportioned to the descendants of Japheth (Genesis 5:32; 6:10; 7:13; 9:18; 9:23; 9:27; 10:1-2; 10:21; 1 Chronicles 1:4-5) - China, Hind, Sind, the country of the Turks and that of the Khazars, as well as Tibet, the country of the (Volga) Bulgars, Daylam, and the country neighboring on Khurasan. In another passage Ya'qubi gives a kind of sequel to this. Peleg (Genesis 10:25; 11:16-19; 1 Chronicles 1:19; 1:25) having divided the earth in this fashion (Deuteronomy 32:8), the descendants of 'Amur ibn-Tubal (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5; Isaiah 66:19; Ezekiel 27:13; 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1), a son of Japheth, went out to the northeast. One group, the descendants of Togarmah (Genesis 10:3; 1 Chronicles 1:6; Ezekiel 27:14; 38:6), proceeding farther north, were scattered in different countries and became a number of kingdoms, among them the Burjan (Bulgars), Alans, Khazars (Ashkenaz Genesis 10:3), and Armenians. Similarly, according to Tabari, there were born to Japheth Jim-r the Biblical Gomer (Genesis 10:2-3; 1 Chronicles 1:5-6; Ezekiel 38:6; Hosea 1:3), Maw'-' (read Mawgh-gh), Magog (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5; Ezekiel 38:2; 39:6; Revelation 20:8), Mawday Madai (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5), Yawan (Javan) (Genesis 10:2; 10:4; 1 Chronicles 1:5; 1:7; Isaiah 66:19; Ezekiel 27:13; 27:19), Thubal (Tubal), Mash-j (read Mash-kh), Meshech (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:15; 1:17; Ezekiel 27:13; 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1) and Tir-sh (Tiras). (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5) Of the descendants of the last were the Turks and the Khazars (Ashkenaz). There is possibly an association here with the Turgesh, survivors of the West Turks, who were defeated by the Arabs in 119/737, (H.A.R. Gibb, Arab Conquests in Central Asia, London 1923, 83ff. Cf. Chapter IV, n. 96) and disappeared as a ruling group in the same century. Tabari says curiously that of the descendants of Mawgh-gh (Magog) were Yajuj and Majuj, adding that these are to the east of the Turks and Khazars. This information would invalidate Zeki Validi's attempt to identify Gog and Magog in the Arabic writers with the Norwegians. The name Mash-kh (Meshech) is regarded by him as probably a singular to the classical Massagetai (Massag-et). A Bashmakov emphasizes the connection of 'Meshech' with the Khazars, to establish his theory of the Khazars, not as Turks from inner Asia, but what he calls a Jephetic or Alarodian group from south of the Caucasus.
Evidently there is no stereotyped form of this legendary relationship of the Khazars to Japheth. The Taj-al-Artis says that according to some they are the descendants of Kash-h (? Mash-h or Mash-kh, for Meshech), son of Japheth, and according to others both the Khazars and the Saqalibah are sprung from Thubal (Tubal). Further, we read of Balanjar ibn-Japheth in ibn-al-Faqih and abu-al-Fida' as the founder of the town of Balanjar. Usage leads one to suppose that this is equivalent to giving Balanjar a separate racial identity. In historical times Balanjar was a well-known Khazar center, which is even mentioned by Masudi as their capital.
It is hardly necessary to cite more of these Japheth stories. Their Jewish origin is priori obvious, and Poliak has drawn attention to one version of the division of the earth, where the Hebrew words for 'north' and 'south' actually appear in the Arabic text. The Iranian cycle of legend had a similar tradition, according to which the hero Afridun divided the earth among his sons, Tuj (sometimes Tur, the eponym of Turan), Salm, and Iraj. Here the Khazars appear with the Turks and the Chinese in the portion assigned to Tuj, the eldest son. Some of the stories connect the Khazars with Abraham. The tale of a meeting in Khurasan between the sons of Keturah (Genesis 25:1; 25:4; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33) and the Khazars (Ashkenaz) (Genesis 10:3) where the Khaqan is Khaqan is mentioned is quoted from the Sa'd and al-Tabari by Poliak. The tradition also appears in the Meshed manuscript of ibn-al-Faqih, apparently as part of the account of Tamim ibn-Babr's journey to the Uigurs, but it goes back to Hishim al-Kalbi. Zeki Validi is inclined to lay some stress on it as a real indication of the presence of the Khazars in this region at an early date. Al-Jahiz similarly refers to the legend of the sons of Abraham and Keturah settling in Khurasan but does not mention the Khazars. Al-Di-mashqi says that according to one tradition the Turks were the children of Abraham by Keturah, whose father belonged to the original Arab stock. Descendants of other sons of Abraham, namely the Soghdians and the Kirgiz, were also said to live beyond the Oxus..." (The History of The Jewish Khazars, by D.M. Dunlop, pp. 4-15. This book is especially important because the Jews make reference to it in all of their Jewish Encyclopedias, and uphold him as an authority on Jewish History)
Encyclopedia Americana (1985): "Khazar, an ancient Turkic‑speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to their demise in the mid‑11th century A.D...In the 8th Century it's political and religious head...as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism...(The Khazars are believed to be the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews)."
Encyclopedia Britannica� (15th edition): "Khazars, confederation of Turkic and Iranian tribes that established a major commercial empire in the second half of the 6th century, covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia...In the middle of the 8th century the ruling classes adopted Judaism as their religion."
Academic American Encyclopedia (1985): "Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are one of the two major divisions of the Jews, the other being the Shephardim."
Encyclopedia Americana (1985): "Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands...it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel...In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population."
The Jewish Encyclopedia: "Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish‑speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania."
The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972): "Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism...In spite of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from within the former Khazar Empire."
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: "The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz...Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim...About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim."
New Grolier Encyclopedia: Khazars� {kah'‑zars} The Khazars, a Turkic people, created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through 10th centuries.� During the 8th century the Khazar aristocracy and the kagan (king) were converted to Judaism. The Khazars established their capital at Itil (or Atil), in the Volga delta, and for four centuries thereafter this Jewish empire held the balance of power between the Christian BYZANTINE EMPIRE and the Muslim CALIPHATE. The fortified Khazar city of Sarkil on the lower Don River was built with Byzantine help and served as a crossroads to central Asia. The Khazars controlled many of the trade routes to the Orient; some of the Radhanites (Jewish merchants from Gaul), for example, were accustomed to crossing the Khazar empire while traveling to and from China and India. During the late 10th and early 11th centuries an alliance of Byzantines and Russians broke the power of the Khazars in the Crimea.� In 965, SVYATOSLAV I, duke of Kiev, decisively defeated the Khazar army. Further to the east new waves of Turkic invaders overran the remains of the Khazar state.
The Bible: Relates that the Khazar (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem: "Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth;...the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz..." (Genesis 10:1‑3) Therefore, the Bible proves that the Ashkenaz Jews [Khazars] are not the descendants of Shem and cannot be Semite.
Kimyarite King Adopts Judaism and Converts His Army and People: "Kimyarite (Himyarite) see Sabeans (Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 403) Sabeans: The inhabitants of the ancient kingdom of Sheba in southeastern Arabia, known from the Bible, classical writers, and native inscriptions. The genealogies of Genesis give three pedigrees for Sheba, the eponymous ancestor of the Sabeans, who is variously termed (1) the son of Raamah and the grandson of Cush, (Genesis 10:7; 1 Chronicles 1:9; comp. Ezekiel 27:22; 38:13) (2) the son of Joktan and a great‑great‑grandson of Shem, (Genesis 10:28; 1 Chronicles 1:22) and (3) the son of Jokshan and a grandson of Abraham by Keturah. (Genesis 25:3; 1 Chronicles 1:32) There seem, therefore, to have been three stocks of Sabeans: one in Africa, (comp. the Ethiopian city of Saga mentioned by Strabo, 'Geography,' p. 77) and the other two in Arabia.
Of the latter one is connected with the story of Abraham, and the other with that of the kingdom localized by Genesis 10:30, including the Joktanites generally, and extending 'from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east.'
In Job 6:19 the Sabeans are mentioned in close association with the Temeans, an Ishmaelite stock (Genesis 25:15) that dwelt in Arabia. (Isaiah 21:14, comp. Jeremiah 25:23‑24) The Psalms and the prophetical books lay special emphasis upon the wealth and commercial activity of the Sabeans. The gifts of the kings of Sheba and of Seba to Solomon are noted in Psalm 62:10, gold being especially mentioned among these presents. (Psalm, 62:15) In both these passages the Septuagint, followed by the Vulgate, identifies Sheba with Arabia Isaiah 60:6 adds incense to the gifts which these countries were to bring. (comp. Jeremiah 6:20)
'Despite the collocation with Dedan in Genesis 10:7, 1 Chronicles 1:9 and Ezekiel 38:13, the merchants of Sheba, whom Ezekiel addressed in the words 'occupied in thy fairs with chief of all spices, and with all precious stones, and gold...' (Ezekiel 27:22) were doubtless Sabeans; but the reference in the following verse to the 'merchants of Sheba,' together with Haran, Canneh, Eden Asshur, and Chilmad, who by implication would be Asiatics, is probably a mere dittography, and is rightly omitted in the Septuagint. The wealth of Sheba is indicated also by the list of the gifts brought by its queen to Solomon, and which were 'a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.' (1 Kings 10:10; 2 Chronicles 9:1‑9); see Sheba, Queen Of).
The only mention of the Sabeans in a warlike connection is in Job 1:15, where they are described as attacking and killing the servants of Job to rob them of cattle; but according to Joel 4, (A.V. 3:8) they dealt in slaves, including Jews.
In the New Testament there is a reference to the kingdom of Sheba in the allusion to 'the queen of the south.' (Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31) Sheba must be carefully distinguished from the Cushite or African Seba, (Genesis 10:7; 1 Chronicles 1:9) as is shown by the discrimination between the 'kings of Sheba and Seba.' in Psalm 72:10, and by the collocation of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Seba in Isaiah 43:3, 45:13.
Strabo, basing his account for the most part on Eratosthenes, an author of the third century B.C., gives considerable information of value concerning the Sabeans. (Geography, ed. M�ller, pp. 768, 778, 780) Their territory was situated between those of the Mineans and Cattabanes; and their capital, Mariaba, stood on the summit of a wooded hill.
The country, like those adjoining, was a flourishing monarchy, with beautiful temples and palaces, and with houses which resembled those of the Egyptians. The mode of succession to the throne was peculiar in that the heir apparent was not the son of the king, but the first son born to a noble after the monarch's accession. The king himself was also the judge; but he was not allowed to leave the palace under penalty of being stoned to death by the people.
Inscriptions of the Sabeans are numerous, but the information which these records furnish is comparatively meager. They cover, it is true, a period of about 1,300 years, ceasing only with the extinction of the kingdom in the sixth century C.E. (A.D.); but only of the period just before and just after the beginning of the present era are they sufficiently abundant to allow even an approximation to a coherent history. The earliest inscription known is one containing the name of Yetha‑amara, who has been identified with the 'Ithamara the Sabean' of an inscription of Sargon dated 715 B.C.
Besides the epigraphical remains, there is a large number of coins, dating chiefly from 150 B.C. to 150 C.E. These are of special value for the history of the nation, even during its period of decline, since they bear both the monograms and the names of numerous kings.
The Sabean inscriptions are dated by eponymous magistrates previous to the introduction of an era which has been identified with the Seleucidan (312 B.C.), and which has also been fixed by other scholars as beginning in 115 B.C., although there are traces of other chronological systems as well. These texts frequently allude to commerce, agriculture, and religion...
Among the Sabean gods the most important were Almakah ('the hearing god?'), Athtar (a protective deity and the male for of 'Ashtaroth,' to whom the gazel seems to have been sacred), Haubas (possibly a lunar deity), Dhu Samawi ('lord of heaven'), Hajr, Kainan, Kawim ('the sustaining'), Sin (the principal moon‑god), Shams (the chief solar deity), Yata', Ramman (the Biblical Rimmon), El ('God' in general), Sami' (the hearing'), Shem (corresponding in functions to the general Semitic Ba'al), Hobal (possibly a god of fortune), Homar (perhaps a god of wine), Bashir (bringer of good tidings), Rahman (the merciful), Ta'lab (probably a tree‑god), and Wadd (borrowed from the Mineans). A number of goddesses are mentioned, among them Dhat Hami (lady of Hami), Dhat Ba'dan (lady of Ba'dan), Dhat Gadran (lady of Gadran), and Tanuf (lofty). It becomes clear, even from this scanty information, that the religion was in the main a nature‑cult, like the other Semitic religions; and this is borne out by a statement in the Koran (sura 27:24) that the Sabeans worshiped the sun.� Few details of the cult are given, although there are frequent mentions of gifts and sacrifices, as well as of 'self‑presentation,' a rite of doubtful meaning, but one which evidently might be performed more than once.
Ritual purity and abstinence of various forms also seem to have formed part of the Sabean religion, and the name of the month Dhu Hijjat or Mahijjat, the only one retained by the Arabs (Dhu'l‑Hijja, the twelfth month), implies a custom of religious pilgrimage to some shrine or shrines. To the account of the government as described by Strabo the Sabean inscriptions add little. The word for 'nation' is 'khums' (fifth), which apparently implies an earlier division of Arabia or of a portion of it into five parts; and the people were divided into tribes (shi'b), which, in their turn, were composed of 'tenths' or 'thirds.'
The kings at first styled themselves 'malik' (king) and, possibly later, 'mukarrib,' a term of uncertain meaning, while they afterward were called 'kings of Saba and Dhu Raidan,' and finally monarchs of Hadramaut and Yamanet as well. There were likewise kings of a number of minor cities. From a late text which mentions a king of Himyar and Raidan and of Saba and Silhin, it has been inferred that the capital of Sheba was later removed to Raidan while the actual palace remained at Himyar, and that from this circumstance the dynasty and all that it ruled were formerly called Himyaritic (the 'Homeritae' of Ptolemy and of Christian ecclesiastical authors), a designation now generally discarded.
The state of society in Sheba seems to have been somewhat feudal to character. The great families, which evidently possessed large landed estates, had castles and towers that are frequently mentioned in the inscriptions; and remains of some of these buildings are still extant. The status of woman was remarkably high. The mistress of a castle is mentioned in one inscription, and the epigraphical remains represent women as enjoying practical equality with men, although a few passages imply the existence of concubi�nage.
The Sabean language belonged to the Semitic stock. While some of the inscriptions differ little from classical Arabic, most of them show a close affinity with Ethiopic. The weak letters occasionally possessed their consonant value as in Ethiopic, although they have become vowels in Arabic. On the other hand, the article is affixed as in Aramaic, instead of being prefixed as in Arabic, and certain syntactic phenomena recall Hebrew rather than the South‑Sem�itic dialects. The alphabet, which, like all the Semitic systems except Ethiopic, represents the consonants only, is plausibly regarded by man as the earliest form of Semitic script." (Jewish Encyclopedia, pp. 608‑610)
The Encyclopedia Americana calls Hyrcanus a Jewish high priest [135‑105 B.C.] who forced the Idumeans to become "Jews." Idumea is the Greek for Edomites. The works of Josephus relates how the Idumeans were forced to accept Judaism. In the Bible Esau, Edo, Mt. Seir and Idumea are interchangeable for the offspring of ESAU, Jacob's twin brother.
Between the time of Nehemiah and the birth of Christ, the problem of intermarriage increased. The climax of the problem came about a century and a half before the birth of Christ, when the Judean, John Hyrcanus, conquered the heathen cities in Palestine and forced the Canaanites to become Judeans ["Jews"].
Josephus, the Judean historian, writing in about 95 A.D. wrote of this: "Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea [Greek form of Edom], and subdued all the Idumaeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would be circumcised, and make use of the laws of the Judeans; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Judean ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, they were hereafter no other than Judeans." (Ant. Book 13, ch. 9 par. 1)
A footnote in Josephus quotes Ammonius, an ancient grammarian, who says further: "The Judeans are such by nature, and from the beginning, whilst the Idumaeans were not Judeans from the beginning, but Phoenicians and Syrians; but being afterward subdued by the Judeans and compelled to be circumcised, and to unite into one nation, and be subject to the same laws, they were called Judeans." This same footnote also quotes Dio, the ancient historian: "That country is also called Judea, and the people Judeans; and this name is given also to as many as embrace their religion, though of other nations."
Josephus continues his history of how the Judahites incorporated the Edomites and Canaanites and a history of the son of Hyrcanus named Aristobulus: "He was called a lover of the Grecians; and had conferred many benefits on his own country, and made war against Iturea, and added a great part of it to Judea, and compelled its inhabitants if they would continue in that country, to be circumcised, and to live according to the Judean laws. (Josephus Ant. Book 13, ch. 11, par. 3) "Now at this time the Judeans were in possession of the following cities that had belonged to the Syrians, and Idumeans, and Phoenicians: [Here he lists 23 non‑ Israelite cities]; which last [city] they utterly destroyed, because its inhabitants would not bear to change their religious rites for those peculiar to the Judeans. The Judeans also possessed others of the principle cities of Syria, which had been destroyed." (Josephus Antiquities Book 13, chapter 15, paragraph 4)
This all took place at least a century before Christ. It is obvious, then, that by the time Christ was born a great host of the people living in Judea were Canaanites and Edomites by race, although they were Jews by religion and Judeans by citizenship. Even the ruling dynasty of the Herods were Edomites. Josephus speaks of: "Herod, who was no more than a private man, and an Idumean, i.e., a half‑Judean" (Josephus Ant. Book 14, ch. 15, p. 2)
A footnote here says: "Accordingly, Josephus always esteems him an Idumean, though he says his father Antipater was of the same people with the Judeans, and a Judean by birth, as indeed all such proselytes of justice as the Idumeans, were in time esteemed the very same people with the Judeans."
The Esau‑Edomite nation ["Idumea"] ceased to exist as a separate nation at this point in history. And yet the Bible is clear that Edom would be the enemy of Israel in the latter days.
How could these prophecies be fulfilled, if there are no Edomites left in the world? There is only one nation in the world that can prove ancestral ties with Edom, and the Jews themselves claim that dubious distinction. The Jews have thus adopted the materialistic and anti‑Christ attitude that characterized the father of the Edomites, Esau.
As judgment for their sins, including that of the Crucifixion of Christ, God cast them out of Palestine in 70 A.D. whereupon they fled to North Africa and Spain. We find what happened to them in The American People's Encyclopedia for 1954, page 15‑492, under "The Jews."� "Following their dispersal many spread across North Africa to Spain and during this movement converted many of the Berber tribes to Judaism. This had little effect on physical type, since most of the Berbers were likewise of that Mediterranean Race. That portion which moved into Spain and later northward achieved considerable wealth and prestige and became known as SHEPHARDIM JEWS."
THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY:. H. G. Wells, "It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors 'never' lived in Palestine 'at all,' which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact."
Following is the story of the conversion of a tribe of people in Russia to Judaism and is the origin of more than 95% of the Jews of Eastern Europe. FACTS ARE FACTS, By Benjamin Freedman. "Without a complete and accurate knowledge of the origin and history of the 'Jews' in Eastern Europe...it is quite impossible for [Christians] to intelligently understand the harmful influence the Jews have exerted for ten centuries...�You will probably be astonished as many Christians were years ago when I electrified the nation with the first publication by me of the facts disclosed by my many years of research into the origin and the history of the 'Jews' in Eastern Europe. My many years of intensive research established beyond the question of any doubt, contrary to the generally accepted belief held by Christians, that the 'Jews' in Eastern Europe at any time in their history in Eastern Europe were never the legendary 'lost ten tribes' of Bible lore. THAT HISTORIC FACT IS INCONTROVERTIBLE.
Research also revealed that the 'Jews' in Eastern Europe WERE NEVER �SEMITES,� ARE NOT �SEMITES� NOW, NOR CAN THEY EVER BE REGARDED AS �SEMITES� AT ANY FUTURE TIME BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION. Exhaustive research also irrevocably rejects as a fantastic fabrication the generally accepted belief by Christians that the 'Jews' in Eastern Europe are the legendary 'Chosen People' so very vocally publicized by the Christian clergy from their pulpits..."
THE AMIERCAN PEOPLE�S ENCYCLOPEDIA for 1954 at 15‑292 records the following in reference to the Khazars:� "IN THE YEAR 740 A.D. THE KHAZARS WERE OFFICIALLY CONVERTED TO JUDAISM. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic‑speaking people and were scattered over central Europe WHERE THEY WERE KNOWN AS JEWS.
It is from this grouping that most German, Polish and Hungarian Jews are descended, and they likewise make up a considerable part of that population now found in America. The term Ashkenazim is applied to this round‑headed, dark‑complexioned division."
Nathan M. Pollock has a beef with the Israeli government. His elaborate plans to celebrate this September the 1000th anniversary of the Jewish ‑ Khazar alliance were summarily rejected. An elderly, meek‑looking man who migrated to Israel from Russia 43 years ago.
He has devoted 40 of his 64 years trying to prove that six out of ten Israelis and none out of ten Jews in the Western Hemisphere are real Jews' Jews, but descendants of fierce Khazar tribes which roamed the steppes of Southern Russia many centuries ago.
For obvious reasons the Israeli authorities are not at all eager to give the official stamp of approval to Pollock's theories. "For all we know, he may be 100 percent right,' said a senior government official. 'In fact, he is not the first one to discover the connection between Jews and Khazars. Many famous scholars Jews and non‑Jews, stressed these links in their historical research works. But who can tell today what percentage of Khazar blood flows in our veins..." (San Diego Union, August 28, 1966, Leo Heiman: Copley News Service)
From the above, we can clearly see that the Jews fully understand their Khazarian heritage as the third edition of the JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA for 1925 records: "CHAZARS [Khazars]: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855). Jews have lived on the shores of the Black and Caspian seas since the first centuries of the common era [after the death of Christ]. Historical evidence points to the region of the Ural as the home of the Chazars. Among the classical writers of the Middle Ages they were known as the 'Chozars,' 'Khazirs,' 'Akatzirs,' and 'Akatirs,' and in the Russian chronicles as 'Khwalisses' and 'Ugry Byelyye.'..."
The Encyclopedia Judaica:, Vol. 10, (1971) relates the following about the Khazars (Chazars): "Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries A.D. DURING PART OF THIS TIME THE LEADING KHAZARS PROFESSED JUDAISM." (Encyclopedia Judicia, Vol. 10, (1971))
THE UNIVERSAL JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA: "Khazars, a medieval people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, WHOSE RULING CLASS ADOPTED JUDAISM DURING THE 8TH CENT. The Khazars seem to have emerged during the 6th cent., from the vast nomadic Hun (Turki) empire which stretched from the steppes of Eastern Europe and the Volga basin to the Chinese frontier. Although it is often claimed that allusions to the Khazars are found as early as 200 C.E., actually they are not mentioned until 627...MOST JEWISH HISTORIANS DATE THE CONVERSION OF THE KHAZAR KING TO JUDAISM DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THIS CENTURY {A.D.}..."
The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz...Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim...About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.
Academic American Encyclopedia:, Deluxe Library Edition, Volume 12, page 66 states: "The Khazars, a Turkic people, created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through 10th centuries. DURING THE 8TH CENTURY THE KHAZAR ARISTOCRACY AND THE KAGAN (King) WERE CONVERTED TO JUDAISM."
The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 6, page 836 relates: "Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia...BUT THE MOST STRIKING CHARACTERISTIC OF THE KHAZARS WAS THE APPARENT ADOPTION OF JUDAISM BY THE KHAGAN AND THE GREATER PART OF THE RULING CLASS IN ABOUT 740...THE FACT ITSELF, HOWEVER, IS UNDISPUTED AND UNPARALLELED IN THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL EURASIA. A FEW SCHOLARS HAVE ASSERTED THAT THE JUDAIZED KHAZARS WERE THE REMOTE ANCESTORS OF MANY OF THE JEWS OF EASTERN EUROPE AND RUSSIA."
Collier�s Encyclopedia: Volume 14, page 65 states: "Khazars [kaza'rz], a semi-nomadic tribe of Turkish or Tatar origin who first appeared north of the Caucasus in the early part of the third century...IN THE EIGHTH CENTURY KHAGHAN BULAN DECIDED IN FAVOR OF THE JEWS AND ACCEPTED JUDAISM FOR HIMSELF AND FOR HIS PEOPLE..."
New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII, page 173 relates: "The Khazars were an ethnic group, belonging to the Turkish peoples, who, toward the end of the 2d century of the Christian Era, had settled in the region between the Caucasus and the lower Volga and Don Rivers...At the beginning of the 8th century, dynastic ties bound the Khazars more closely to Constantinople, which led to a limited spread of Christianity among them. They also became acquainted with Judaism from the numerous Jews who lived in the Crimea and along the Bosphorus. When the Byzantine Emperor, Leo the Isaurian, persecuted the Jews in A.D. 723, many Jews found refuge in the Khazar kingdom, and THEIR INFLUENCE WAS SO GREAT THAT, AROUND THE MIDDLE OF THE 8TH CENTURY, THE KING OF THE KHAZARS AND MANY OF THE KHAZAR NOBILITY ACCEPTED THE JEWISH FAITH.
The Cadillac Modern Encyclopedia, page 822, states: "Khazars (khah'-zahrz), a S Russian people of Turkic origin, who at the height of their power (during the 8th-10th cent., A.D.) controlled an empire which included Crimea, and extended along the lower Volga, as far E as the Caspian Sea. THE KHAZAR ROYAL FAMILY AND ARISTOCRACY CONVERTED TO JUDAISM DURING THE REIGN OF KING BULAN (768-809 A.D.) AND JUDAISM WAS THEREAFTER REGARDED AS THE STATE RELIGION..."
The Jewish author, Arthur Koestler, relates the following concerning Jewish history: In his 1976 best seller THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, the Author of Darkness at Noon, Promise and Fulfillment, and The Roots of Coincidence dropped another bombshell by PROVING THAT TODAY�S JEWS WERE, FOR THE MOST PART, DESCENDANTS OF HHAZARS, WHO CONVERTED TO JUDAISM SEVEN CENTURIES AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM IN 70 A.D. "This, of course, is inspired by the story of the Covenant in Genesis; and it implies that THE KHAZARS TOO CLAIMED THE STATUS OF A CHOSEN RACE, who made their own Covenant with the Lord, EVEN THOUGH THEY [Khazars] WERE NOT DESCENDED FROM ABRAHAM�S SEED...HE CANNOT, AND DOES NOT, CLAIM FOR THEM [the Khazars] SEMITIC DESCENT, HE TRACES THEIR [Khazars] ANCESTRY NOT TO SHEM, BUT TO NOAH�S THIRD SON, JAPHETH, OR MORE PRECISELY TO JAPHETH�S GRANDSON, TOGARMA, THE ANCESTOR OF ALL TURKISH TRIBES. 'We have found in the family registers of our fathers,' Joseph asserts boldly, 'that Togarma had ten sons, and the names of their off-spring are as follows: Uigur, Dursu, Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazars, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir. WE [Khazars] ARE THE SONS OF KHAZAR, THE SEVENTH...'" (The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler, pages 58‑82))
The Jewish author Alfred M. Lilienthal relates the following concerning Jewish history: "...'The existence of [The State of] ISRAEL IS NOT FOUNDED ON LOGIC. IT HAS NO ORDINARY LEGITIMACY. There is neither in its establishment nor present scope any evident justice ‑ though there may be an utter need and wondrous fulfillment.'...
���� Arthur Koestler answers this question with an emphatic 'NO!' In his 1976 best seller� The Thirteenth Tribe, the Author of Darkness at Noon, Promise and Fulfillment, and The Roots of Coincidence dropped another bombshell by PROVING THAT TODAY�S JEWS WERE, FOR THE MOST PART, DESCENDANTS OF KHAZARS, WHO CONVERTED TO JUDAISM SEVEN CENTURIES AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM IN 70 A.D...Therefore, the great majority of EASTERN EUROPEAN JEWS ARE NOT SEMITIC JEWS AT ALL, and as most Western European Jews came from East Europe, MOST OF THEM ALSO ARE NOT SEMITIC JEWS.
Thus, maintains Koestler, the veins of 45 percent of Israelis (save only the Arab and the Sephardic Jews), plus a big majority of JEWS AROUND THE WORLD, ARE UTTERLY VACANT OF CORPUSCULAR LINKS TO THE TRIBE OF MOSES AND SOLOMON...The Koestler thesis, however startling, is in no wise a new one. The genetic Khazar derivation of most Jews, ONLY THE SEPHARDIC MAY BE ACCOUNTED HEBREWS BY BLOOD, HAS BEEN LONG IF NOT WIDELY KNOWN...The home to which Weismann, Silver, Ben‑Gurion and so many other Ashkenazim Zionists have long yearned to return HAS most likely NEVER BEEN THEIRS...[it is an] anthropological fact, MANY CHRISTIANS MAY HAVE MUCH MORE HEBREW-ISRAELITE BLOOD IN THEIR VEINS THAN MOST OF THEIR JEWISH NEIGHBORS!
Ironically enough, too, Volume IV of the Jewish Encyclopedia (as of the time of research, 1952), because this publication spelled Khazars with a 'C' instead of a 'K,' is titled 'Chazars to Dreyfus.'.
And it was the famed trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, as interpreted by Theodore Herzl, that made the modern Jewish Khazars of Russia...forget their descent from converts to Judaism...to establish the State of Israel...